Wont be around so much...

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Back to work tomorrow :cry: I am going back full time so I imagie things will be hectic from now on...I prob wont get chance to pop on as often I do now but will be popping back regularly to check on you all and post Ruby piccies.

Thank you all for you support during my pregnancy and the last 6 months, this is the best place EVER and you are all amazing :hug: :hug:

Good luck to those TTCing, ladies in waiting and all new mummies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww hun..

well good luck on your 1st day back im sure you'll love being back at work..

Look forward to seeing some pics of ruby...

take care of yourself :hug:
take care of you and rubster zoe. pop back when you can and update us :hug:
well your not excaping me that easily hun, :D

if your not around il be texting you to let you know all the updates bout bubba and of course my special little girl ruby!

I hope you have fun going back to work hun and look after yourself and ruby and thats and order from me!

Love you lots hun, and cant wait to see rubys pics every now and then :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
take care hun... and make sure you keep comin back wit piccys n updates...

doesnt seem 2 mins ago me n u were racin together to the finish post ;)

now our lil ladies aer comin up to 6 months!!! :cry:

hope you have fun at work hunny :hug:
awww seems impossible ur going bck to work already only seems like yest u had ruby
good luck hun and deffo keep coming bck
Good luck for tomorrow hun! :hug: :hug:

Don't leave it too long I can't go very long without a Ruby fix! It always makes my day to see her photos!:D

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww good luck in going back to work hun, enjoy it though, it'll make all your time with Ruby more special. :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww, take care of yourself & ruby.

pop back to visit soon :hug: :hug:
It went fine girls!!! :cheer: Felt like I had never been away after half an hour at my desk :roll: It ws nice actually to see everyone, and I filled my desk with Ruby piccies :cheer:

She was an angel for my mum, and when I got home, I got the biggest smile EVER-she was squealing and holding her arms out, I scooped her up and she was grabbing my face and kissing me with her little gummy mouth!!! We spent a few hours playing, having tea, bath and bed, she wa shattered from playing with nanny all day!! I feel so relieved and so glad she seems so content and happy :dance:
I'm so glad it all went well for you! :hug:

I bet it was an amazing feeling getting home to her! :D
ah hun, im glad it went well and sounds like ruby had loads of fun!

glad all is ok hun, :hug: :hug:

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