Woke up feeling negative...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Well im up, your all probably tucked up in bed having nice dreams...

Huff, when i woke I went to the loo came back up and then realised I couldn't feel my nipples were sore and then those thoughts set in...

I even said a little prayer for little Petal to wish a safe growth and that we make it to the next stage ok...

To top things off like an idiot I went into the M/c section and saw a post which didnt help matters... Anyway...

I was doing so well with feel positive up until now.

Im sure i'll be ok, just want to get through these next two weeks to see petal... I wonder if the midwife would be able to let me hear a heartbeat or something tomorrow huff...
Just take it day by day. I understand how you feel. :hug: Some days I don't have symptoms either, or very few. I am thinking of you and your petal.
friad the midwife wont be able to listen to heartbeat , u can durring your scan tho so look forwad to that !

sorry ur feeling neg , perhaps youve got up now and feeling better

btw , i still and havent had sore boobs !
aww hun first thing in the morning i feel fine but within about an hour the sickness sets in and the boobs start feeling really heavy
u aint alone
manda xx
Sharne, I'm sure everything is fine, I have days where for a split second I think... OMG I have no symptoms today and think really bad things but then they come flooding back again!

Try not to worry.. :hug:
I hope you got back to bed and got some more sleep. I know at 3.30am what would usually be a bit of a worry becomes a cloud of impending doom in my mind. I figure that half of that is the time of night!

I think this first 3 months things stinks!! Who's crappy idea was it? Why can't we just be pregnant? BLAH!!

Not long to scan time.... honest gov, no seriously, only a couple of weeks for us, that's not long is it?
awww sharne hun everything will be ok,you were doing so well and being so positive much more than some of us :oops:

I dont know about the doppler and heartbeat i got my booking in appt thru and it says that they will listen to the heartbeat but some people say no so maybe it depends where you live.The first 3 months really does suck and is definately the worst part of pregnancy imo.

take care hun you will be fine and petal will be too :hug: :hug: :hug:
I agree about the first 3 months. After the initial BFP it's all been pretty worrying and horrible (well, for me anyway) but I'm sure it gets better! :)
Aww bess you sweetie, it is an absolutely horrible feeling. :hug: It happens to most of I think. I woke up this morning thinking I don't feel anywhere near as bad as I did yesterday, and it sets your mind spiralling.
12 weeks is a terribly long time to wait, I think of it a bit like a job interview. We've passed the first round of interviews (got a BFP), but the gig isn't ours until the second round at 12 weeks. It is soooo annoying! :evil:
Happybunny - love that analogy of the job interview :D

Sharne - So sorry you are feeling like this :hug: Like the others have said, symptoms can come and go, some days will be fine and others you will feel like poo.

Hope it was just a middle of the night thing and you are feeling better this morning :hug:
Hey girls well, to top things off I had a horrible M/C dream that I was bleeding and woke up and realised I obviously wasn't, few!!

I feel a bit better my boobs are the tineest bit sore i think im just being silly as usual, im going to be positice today and now im off to get ready for my middy appointment yah!!!!

Hope the appointment with the midwife goes well :hug: :hug: :hug:

Don't worry about lack of symptoms, I'm normally fine for the first half hour when I get up, and then just when I think I've got away with it, the sickness kicks in.
Enjoy your appointment :D

When I had mine it gave me a real lift.
don't let something that someone as sad as i am right now make you feel bad...u should feel awesome about the fact that you still have your child to carry...not feel bad about something that i commented on in the miscarriage forums.i am going through a very very difficult time right now and i am trying my damnest to be a better person than i was last time, but its proving difficult, as i have given up my own happiness and just kind of have to be involved in everyone elses.
breezee1984 said:
don't let something that someone as sad as i am right now make you feel bad...u should feel awesome about the fact that you still have your child to carry...not feel bad about something that i commented on in the miscarriage forums.i am going through a very very difficult time right now and i am trying my damnest to be a better person than i was last time, but its proving difficult, as i have given up my own happiness and just kind of have to be involved in everyone elses.

Im ok now, I have moved on, you must be happy hon too. Hormones eh?


I am not too sure exactly what happiness really is. Too confused to undertand. Glad your ok though.

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