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wish me luck!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
Reaction score
ok ive been looking for a job ever since Colby was 3 weeks old due to us being totally broke we cant afford for me not to work.

yesterday i rang a few places one being an assistant social worker (i really want this job but i dont think i will get it it stated on the aplication forum you dont need experience as long as your willing to work towards an nvq and hnc wich im very willing to do :) )

the other one was working part time in a t-mobile shop. not really what i want to do but the lady rang me 2 mins ago and asked if i would be free for a phone interview at 3 oclock im nervouse as i hate talking on the fone and me being a bit thick i dont know most of big words they ask...lol :oops:

so wish me luck i just need any job at the moment for extra money
will let yous know how the interview goes at 3...hehe

Good luck hun! You'll be fine, I'm sure! :D
good luck.. a telephone interview is better... they can't see your face so if your struggling for an answer they wont know! but i'm sure you wont be struggling! they can't expect you to know all about mobile phone deals etc... that'll be something they'll need to tell you all about if you get the job. Good luck - come back and let us know how you get on.

good luck hun :D :D am sure you'll do just fine!!

come back and let us no how it goes :D

Best of luck hun. You'll be fine, just take a few deep breathes if you find you're struggling with nerves whilst on the call.
Let us know as soon as.

thankyou everyone but im being stupid im really nervous....lol

an hour n half to go :?

i just know when they call Colby will wake for a feed and Adele will stand beside me shouting 'WHOS THAT WHOS THAT CAN I SAY HIYA'

oh the joys of finding a job....lol
You'll do great hun

Make sure you let us know the outcome

Good luck sweetie!!! Id love to work in mobile phone shop I bet you get loadsa perks e.g. free phones!!!
You should be having it now.
hope its going ok.
:D :D

i dont think i got it :cry: :cry:

the questions were stupid to be honest and it only lasted 6 mins23 secs :shock:

one of the questions were if the fire alarm went off whats the first thing you would do?
my answer was get all customers out the shop
she said i will know by tomorrow lunch time :(

but thanx again girlies its nice to know people care :dance: :dance:
We had so many fire alarm runs when i was at toys r us.
And i was like "so you want me to stay in here and direct people out when there is a fire?"
No way..We had to empty all the trollies from the tills so customers could get out faster!
I would be running like the customers :wink:

Hope you get good news tomorrow!
sorry, hun, only saw this thread now!! :doh:
Obviously it's too late to wish you good luck! :(

You never know, you don't know what they were after! there might bea "correct" answer to their question, but they might also be interested into how you are thinking! you're not supposed to know all the procedures but you're supposed to be wise enough to know what to do in such cases as fire, and your answer seems very fine to me!
I work in a school and when there is a fire alarm, we urge the kids out who must even leave all their stuff behind, and lock the classroom! what else?? :think:

Fingers crossed for you! :wink:
Mel xx
thanks hun,
well to be honest im not to botherd if i dont get it as the place hasnt been built yet so its not as if i will be starting in the next week or so :roll:

my OH came home last night with an aplication forum for the oetrol station just down the road its only 11hrs part time but at the end of the day its extra money but knowing my luck i will get offerd one of these jobs then i will get offerd the other 2 (wishfull thinking...lol) but i would really love to get the assistant social workers job think that would be great and its a whole new career.

Then all i have to do is the dreaded part and put both Adele and Colby into a nursery :cry: we cant go on with one wage in a private let house because the council wont give us one and its costing us far to much and getting to the stage we cant afford to live on.

wel i guess there is a job out there for me i just cant find it and im sure if its for me it wont go past me.

Thanks again everyone for your kind thoughts but will keep yous posted and let yous know the results of today if and when they get back to me

take care all
all interviews make good practice for the job you do finally take, so don't worry :)

also, have you thought of going to an agency?


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