Windy breastfed baby?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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Im breastfeeding madam, naive as this sounds i htought breastfed babies werent meant to be very windy....?

all she does is trump fart hiccup and burp all the time...

anyone else find this? am i doing something wrong?
Breastfed babies can still get wind, Brody went through a really windy stage, they can swallow air when latching on and/or crying and don't forget some food you eat can make them windy. I had to avoid sprouts and stuff :lol:
Katy was really windy.... I had to avoid pork & pizza!! It did improve no end as time passed.
I have had this really bad with Logan and I have been told that he is getting too much fore milk which is wind producing!

He is really suffering at the min - bless him....... I am using infacol and doing baby massage which seems to help.
Hi Lozzijane

Olivia was the same, very windy and had the hiccups all the time. They also swallow air when they scream by the way.

I found windy Olivia over my shoulder the best way to bring up her wind and also the abdomen massage where you gently put your left hand on her lower belly and either rub in a clockwise motion or else bring your forfinger and thumb together whilst bringing her knees upto her tummy (you hold their ankles together to do this).

Infacol and gripe water never worked for us, it just make her sick.

As Olivia got bigger she winded much better

You're not doing anything wrong at all.

lozzijane said:
Im breastfeeding madam, naive as this sounds i htought breastfed babies werent meant to be very windy....?

all she does is trump fart hiccup and burp all the time...

anyone else find this? am i doing something wrong?

:rotfl: mine have all been windy farting hicupping babies!
but then again i eat lots of farty food like beans and fresh veg! :rotfl:
Olivia is a farty, burpy, hicuppy windy baby too, oh and sneezy :lol:

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