Wind....advice needed


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Do any of you have any advice on how to get wind up????

I'm going mental, Poppy just will not bring wind up!!!! It's not just how I'm doing it either, her dad, both her grandmothers and her great grandmother have tried too and she just doesn't bring wind up.

It's only a problem later on the day by which time you can actually feel the wind gurgling in her tummy because there's so much there and she then spends hours crying and squirming around in agony until she starts trumping like a man and then she calms down. Problem is this is usually at about 10pm and it's taking me until 1am some days to get her to calm down.

I've tried gripe water and infacol and none of them seem to do any good. Her HV is coming on Thursday so I'm going to ask her but I know you ladies can usually be relied on for some good advice so I'd thought I'd ask

Sorry to hear you're having problems babe.
Farooq seems to 'pass wind' himself :lol: But when he did have a bit of trapped wind infacol seemed to sort it out.

My health visitor suggested something else which I think began with a 'c' but I just can't remember the name! :wall:
You can get it from the pharmacy. It's about £10 a bottle and it goes into the milk (so bottle feeding only I'm afraid) about an hour before you feed. This means that you have to give the feed straight away before the bottle gets much older than 1hr and basically it digests/breaks down the milk for your baby to save them a lot of the work. It's designed on the idea that babies can often be lactose intollerant until their gut matures - hence getting colic.

Infacol apparently works on 'popping' air bubbles trapped in the gut which is why it needs to be given before every feed, so that there's plenty of it in the babies system already.

Other than that all I can really suggest is things you may have tried :think:
Warm bath & gentally massage her tummy.....
Make sure she's leant right over the shoulder when trying to wind - pat and also rub the back....
......sit up on knee with hand supporting chin from the front and rock forwards and backwards - also rubbing the back (can also try side to side which wakes them up more than anything else but has also brought up wind for me)...
I find that sometimes sitting James on my lap and gently rocking/leaning him back and forth a few times sometimes brings it up.

My Mum used to say that when you pat a baby to bring wind up you pat at the top (between the shoulder blades) and if you're rubbing his back you do it at the botton of his back. Don't take it as gospel though my mum did sometimes talk rubbish! :rotfl:

Good luck!

Sarah xxx
How long did you stick with the Infacol? It takes a few days of use to build up and really take effect. And needs to be done before every feed. We gave it to Galen for about 9 weeks all up.

Have you tried putting her over your knee? Massaging her tummy (read up on how to) or gently rocking her legs back and forth? Rocking baby gently also can help. We used to do this with LO over our shoulder and just rock ourselves back and forth so he would move with us.

Colief is the stuff Noor is meaning I guess.

Also her stomach making those noises is normal. Babies guts are not mature and these early weeks they make some weird and wonderful sounds but they do settle after about 12 weeks when the stomach matures.

I'd try Infacol again, give it a few days to kick in and use massage and other positions to wind etc.

We also used a Tummy Tub to bath our LO in and it was brilliant at getting him to burp.
The stuff at ten pound a bottle is called Colief and is fantastic, I managed to get it on perscription from the doctor. Maybe worth asking your HV about baby massage we were showed how to release trapped wind from the stomach by applying light finger pressure under the ribs from left to right then down the right hand side towards the legs, we could feel the bubbles moving. Hopefully you will find something that works for you as I know how bad those evenings are. :hug: :hug:
Cheers ladies.

I had tried the infacol for about 10 days and it wasn't working so that's when I moved on to gripe water and that still didn't work. I have tried massaging her tummy too and that didn't seem to do much either but I still do that ever day after her bath just as a bonding thing.

I haven't tried the rocking thing so I'll give that a go today and see how I go on.

I really want to continue with breastfeeding so unless it gets too bad I'll try and avoid the other suggestion

thanks for the advice ladies :hug:
i used to have the same trouble with theo, we also tried gripe water, infacol, ect ect ect. the only way i found he would bring up wind when he was newborn was by laying him flat just after he'd had a feed and then slowly raising the top half of his body up in to sitting position. you havr porb tired this though, Theo was bottle fed, and becuase of him getting bad wind, i moved him on to cow and gate comfort formula and since he's been having the "comfort one for sensitive tummys".. he has never suffered from trapped wind ever since. and always burps very loudly by himself!

hope you find something that works for you both, its no fun for either of you! :hug:
I had exactly the same problem with Macey and my health visitor recommended putting her on Cow and Gate comfort, the difference was noticeable instantly and we have never looked back!
As well as the above advice, have you tried laying her flat and bringing her knees up to her tummy and then 'cycling' them? I found that helped with Olivia - the farting fits we would have after that were :shock:
Yeah sorry Chrissy, didn't mean to suggest like you should give up breast feeding in a haste just over wind. I started typing that out then saw your ticker and realised you were breast feeding and not bottle feeding so editted it but thought that it was worth leaving it up therein case you or others needed to look for it :hug:
India was VERY gassy and we used a product called colic calm. and it seemed to work within minutes for her.
When Faith's having trouble we play row row row your boat.. works a charm... but your LO is maybe a bit too young.

I used to sit Fi up and lean her forwards over my hand.
And according to my MIL there is a place just under the bottom of their ribs on the left side where air builds up - i can tap Fi there and make it pop. Lol. so gently massaging that side might help. xxxx
Just wanted to say I wouldn't bother with Colief. My HV said it is more for babies with lactose intolerance than those with colic, despite the name. I would persist with the infacol and definately try the rocking. A midwife showed me how to do this and it works for Lily. Sit baby on your knee, and rock her body back and forth and side to side and in a circle.

And it is also a waiting game... waiting for that little gut to mature... :hug:
I was going to say all of the above so no need now hahaha :lol:
My little girl is colicky too :( Unfortunately none of the above seem to be working for her though they worked well with the others (especially the rocking/lying down, sitting up)
I swapped to cow and gate comfort and it was absolutely brilliant for my son but he has always been bottle fed. i wouldnt stop breast feeding as in several more months it wont be a problem if LO doesnt burp after a feed. Its the joys of colic, in my experience non of the medicines worked and i had to grin and bare it until he was older.

My son had colic so it was a nightmare even if he did one burp he'd still have really bad trapped wind for hours and hours and screamed in pain constantly. After a feed i just kept him upright over my shoulder so when one needed to escape it could. also comforted me to that although he was in pain and crying he was next to mummy all the time.

I can remember someone posting on here that sitting them and supporting them on your lap then slowly lifting the left arm over their head releases wind :lol: sounds crazy but it made my little man burp like a trooper!

Sometimes you cant just stick to one thing. Seems like a life time ago but i remember the nights well at 3am tapping the back, doing mini circles, lying him over lap, rocking, coo-ing :bored: Just keep trying everything until they calm down. Sometimes over the shoulder wouldnt work for hours then the next day it worked straight away!
I'd just logged in because LO seems windy and I was just about to post a topic asking for advice on wind. Looks like its been done for me. I'll probably try some of the suggestions put forward by you lovely ladies :clap:

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