Willow had a high temperature...


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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...this afternoon.I got back from school and as she was still sleeping just took her out of her car seat and let her sleep on in a cardi,hat etc-but i took her coat off-she slept for ages but when she woke she was roasting hot to the touch and her cheeks were red. Took her temp,it was 39 and a bit. I gave her that infant ibuprofen stuff and decided that if she wasn't better in 15 minutes I'd phone NHS direct.

Her temp is now almost normal,and she feels cooler. She's still alert enough,just a little quieter maybe.She's just gone to sleep-i've only got her in a sleepsuit and one light blanket

basically....do you think it's ok to leave her or do you think I should phone up?
If she hasn't got a temp and seems ok then I wouldn't phone, just keep an eye on her and see how she is tonight and in the morning. There are loads of colds and coughs etc going around at the moment, plus she could have gotten overheated from wearing the hat etc.
oh no how scarey for u ZS, glad shes cooler now- if shes eating/drinking and making wet nappies shes probably fine but keep an eye on her. :hug:
She's been ok all night,she's fine this morning so I'll put it down to a bit of teething or overheating :( Luckily I'm not at school until later today and my mums got her so even if it flares up again I'll know she'll be safe at home :) Thanks girls
Glad to here she's feeling better, it is scarey when their temp goes so high :hug: :hug: :hug:

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