Will You .........


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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Stay on the forum once your LO has arrived. Ive noticed that quite a few people disappear once baby is born.

Im sure i will still be around as i get so much great advice from here i dont think i would cope without it. :D (Sorry to those who thought you were going to get rid of me in a few weeks :D )

I do however hope to be on here less no offence ladies but im so bored all the time at the mo im always on here, i hope to be enjoying time with my baby soon.
I think I will still be on here but a lot less.

I think it must be weird not have a particular "Tri" to call your home and that's probably why people drift off? That and screaming babies! :rotfl:
I have been thinking about this recently. I've noticed how some people just seem to disappear once they pop and are never heard from again.
It's sad when you've followed their progress for months and months, but totally understandable.

I hope to stick around, though obviously not as much! I will be in the baby section with 101 questions, and hopefully I can help to answer a few too :D
Well Jack is nearly 2 1/2 and Im still here so probably yes. Ok so we had a little time out inbetwen but things kinda take over a bit when you have your LO and sometimes its hard to find the time or space to post, especially if you return to work. Im gonna be studying so hopefully in between essays I can catch up and say hi!!!
I'm sure i wont totally disappear, i'll have questions that need answering, and of course will need to show off my new babies talents etc!!!

I think it depends on how well i cope with her, if its easy and i have time ill be on, but if im constantly tired and struggling you'll prob see less of me, apart from the odd help me post lol
abcd1234 said:
I'm sure i wont totally disappear, i'll have questions that need answering, and of course will need to show off my new babies talents etc!!!

I think it depends on how well i cope with her, if its easy and i have time ill be on, but if im constantly tired and struggling you'll prob see less of me, apart from the odd help me post lol

I'll probaly be the same...
I'll still be around. I like it here and am a long time computer/internet user and am on loads of forums for various things. Remaining here won't be difficult for me. I may of course post less as I'll have lots to keep me busy soon :lol:

I think its the nature of the beast though that people come and go. All forums have that. On something such as this, where people have babies and especially in the final tri when they are maybe not able to do as much, they do tend to post more and then slack right off once their LO is here. Perfectly understandable :)

I notice lots of people do appear online, just don't post as much. But they stop by. And like others I'm sure I'll be cropping up in the other sections more once LO is here. But I'll still pop in to the tri's and other sections also.
Sherlock said:
I'll still be around. I like it here and am a long time computer/internet user and am on loads of forums for various things. Remaining here won't be difficult for me. I may of course post less as I'll have lots to keep me busy soon :lol:

I think its the nature of the beast though that people come and go. All forums have that. On something such as this, where people have babies and especially in the final tri when they are maybe not able to do as much, they do tend to post more and then slack right off once their LO is here. Perfectly understandable :)

I notice lots of people do appear online, just don't post as much. But they stop by. And like others I'm sure I'll be cropping up in the other sections more once LO is here. But I'll still pop in to the tri's and other sections also.

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My mum actually asked me that last night, she wondered whether people just stopped posting once they'd had their babies (I mention this place a lot!).

I hope i'll still be here as much as ever! I'm not going to be working and OH works some strange hours and as i live with my mum i don't have housework as such, i'll prob just have the odd load of washing to do so i may well have free time!

But then again having LO will be time consuming! I might make a pact with myself to pop in for at least 5 minutes a day... or something. Lol
I'll be in the baby section at the bottom asking lots of questions :D

Probably not as much though. I have to admit I have significantly reduced my posting recently because I got upset by all the fakers, especially baring in mind the photos they posted. But I seem to be back properly today.

I'm quite experienced at typing one handed while the cat sleeps on the other arm so I may be on here all the time when feeding :D
kalia said:
I'm quite experienced at typing one handed while the cat sleeps on the other arm so I may be on here all the time when feeding :D

Yep I am trying to type while Annie is nudging at me and wanting lots of TENSHUN she's very cute but very annoying...

From Anifold to Conifold... can't be that much difference surely? :dance: :wall:
Bloom said:
Sherlock its good your staying you never know we may finally arrange that Devon meet sometime in the summer :D

Thanks :) I shall be there for sure. A shame the March one never happened. I'm not not driving and tbh don't fancy the train journey at this point either. I know I'm only 35 weeks and a bit but cor its uncomfy :roll: :lol:

I'd love a summer meet up for sure. Be great to do something and I'll be able to travel further down Torquay way etc also.
Yeah thats probaly my fault i let the March one die a death, what with getting spd and being uncomfortable i didnt get round to organising it.

But will organise something once we have all popped.
Bloom, don't you think we should get off the forum and hang our wahing out? :rotfl:
debecca said:
Bloom, don't you think we should get off the forum and hang our wahing out? :rotfl:

Probaly would be a good idea. :oops:
I've got loads to do, but feel too ill to do it, feel really sick again :puke:
:hug: :hug: Poor you muppetmummy.

I've got really bad stomach ache. I think I need more GAVISCON! :dance:
I'm having a lazi-ish day today. (Did all my proactive things this morning, so intend to mooch around here or nap for the rest of the day :) )

I can't see me leaving this forum. I have been here since 2006 and got through a second m/c and subsequent TTC with support from so many people. I really value this community and I am sure I will still need oodles more advice and reassurance when it comes to the minefield of parenting. Hopefully I may be able to pass on some tips too.
I hope to stay around - have really enjoyed being part of this forum as my friends tend to be in one of two camps - no children or finished having children - so having people to discuss pregnancy with has been great and I am sure with a newborn I will value that too
i'll be lurking around in here for a few weeks after mine comes so i get all the gossip on when everyone else is popping...like Tilly,Debecca, Bloom and anyone else whose due slightly after me.....i need to know when you girls pop!!

After everyone that i know has had their bubba's i'll probably spend my time in the baby sections. I can see myself manically posting hundreds of pics of my LO for all to see, lol.

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