Will I go back?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Tried some trousers on today that I used to wear pre preg and I could hardly get them up, I had to propper squeeze them past my thighs and bum :( Then they were tight under my bump!!! Ive got to wear them though because all my other trousers what DO fit me are in the washing machine at the min, so ive had to cut these trousers at the side so I can actually breathe :shock: :oops:

Will I go back to normal? Or will I have to chuck my old clothes and buy a whole new wardrobe in a bigger size? :( :evil:
Jade I worry about this too!!

I was a size 10-12 pre preg and now size 12 maternity trousers are getting snug....not impressed :(

Hopefully someone has the answer eh? :hug:
Don;t worry hun, i wa sthe size of a house with Emily and Jack
I went to 14 1/2 stone from 10 with Emily and around 14 from 9 1/2 with Jack and i am back in 10-12 clothes :D

Just don't try to get back in jeans too quickly otherwise you will end up a sobbing heap on the bed (beleive me been there done that quite a few times!!!)
hehe, these trousers im wearing are just tracksuit bottoms and they are so tight. So hope I fir back into my comfy clothes afterwards :(
jo said:
Don;t worry hun, i wa sthe size of a house with Emily and Jack
I went to 14 1/2 stone from 10 with Emily and around 14 from 9 1/2 with Jack and i am back in 10-12 clothes :D

Just don't try to get back in jeans too quickly otherwise you will end up a sobbing heap on the bed (beleive me been there done that quite a few times!!!)

Jo this gives me enormous hope thank you!!!
:cry: I can't get any of my old clothes past my thighs...i havent been able to since about 20ish weeks :(
I put a load of size 10-12 jeans in a bag and shipped them off to a charity shop.

Just looking at them i realised they look tiny! it aint gonna happen for a while and im just gonna get upset...but they had started to get tight before i got pg so dont worry you will fit back in them in time :)
i went up to a size 12 with Jamie from 8/10, a week after my caesarean I was back in size 8 jeans and now im gettin smaller with breastfeeding that im wearin size 6/8!! :shock:

the fact iv got huge boobs makes me look even smaller :rotfl:
I was a size 6-8 before I had Rowan, now I'm sporting a size 12-14 - not impressed I can tell you :evil:
Miracle babe said:
I was a size 6-8 before I had Rowan, now I'm sporting a size 12-14 - not impressed I can tell you :evil:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It has ben less than 2 weeks woman!!!!!!
Give yourself chnce :hug:

Oh and for the record the last time i was a 6-8 i was about 9yrs old!!!!!!!!!!!!
skinny bints :evil:
Miracle babe said:
I was a size 6-8 before I had Rowan, now I'm sporting a size 12-14 - not impressed I can tell you :evil:

give it time miracle babe!!! :rotfl:
Crikey girls, give it chance! Course you won't fit in pre-pregnancy wear, that's why maternity wear was invented!!

STOP TRYING TO PUT IT ON!!!! IT WILL NOT FIT!!! You're just gonna make yourselves depressed.

When baby is born, your tummy settles, etc, you will get back into your smaller jeans, and so what if you go up a size? I'd rather have a curvy arse than no arse :)
Sami said:
Crikey girls, give it chance! Course you won't fit in pre-pregnancy wear, that's why maternity wear was invented!!

STOP TRYING TO PUT IT ON!!!! IT WILL NOT FIT!!! You're just gonna make yourselves depressed.

When baby is born, your tummy settles, etc, you will get back into your smaller jeans, and so what if you go up a size? I'd rather have a curvy arse than no arse :)

here here Sami :clap: :clap:

can we play spot the first time mummy????
I am one week since having a section and my stomache is pretty flat but my waist is 6" bigger than the day I found out I was pregnant :( Its early days though and to be honest I'm quite hopeful that I'll get my body back I just don't expect it to be next week :lol:

I don't think you should worry while pregnant there is plenty of time to work on your figure after the birth :D
oh to even be a size 12 before i even got pregnant!!!! :oops: I wonder what you lot worry about

Im a size 16 and counting. . . . never mind, more of me to love. Am hoping to get to a size 12/14 after baby but realistically am going to give myself a year!!
jo said:
Sami said:
Crikey girls, give it chance! Course you won't fit in pre-pregnancy wear, that's why maternity wear was invented!!

STOP TRYING TO PUT IT ON!!!! IT WILL NOT FIT!!! You're just gonna make yourselves depressed.

When baby is born, your tummy settles, etc, you will get back into your smaller jeans, and so what if you go up a size? I'd rather have a curvy arse than no arse :)

here here Sami :clap: :clap:

can we play spot the first time mummy????

Awwwww. I know it's scary how huge you get and you feel like you will be a whale forever, I felt EXACTLY the same with Damien, and I'm sure I will feel huge in third tri with this one too, but I won't make the mistake of seeing how big I am or weighing myself frequently or worrying about clothes size till WAY after bubs has come. Your body takes a long time to recover, and about 3 months after bubs is born, I'd say you can get back to working that body into shape :)
oh to even be a size 12 before i even got pregnant!!!! :oops: I wonder what you lot worry about

Im a size 16 and counting. . . . never mind, more of me to love. Am hoping to get to a size 12/14 after baby but realistically am going to give myself a year!!

I have put on 2 stone since being pregnant and I am 32 weeks

That's not alot Vix, I put on that at 34 weeks (I gave birth then). I lost a stone to start with though so overall only had a stone to lose, which went when Damien was born :eek:
mummykay said:
i went up to a size 12 with Jamie from 8/10, a week after my caesarean I was back in size 8 jeans and now im gettin smaller with breastfeeding that im wearin size 6/8!! :shock:

the fact iv got huge boobs makes me look even smaller :rotfl:

COW!! :shakehead: .....thats it rub it in lol ..big boobs and a skinny waist.. huh alright for some :moon: lol

I was a size 10 before having zack and went back down to that after he was born. Before getting pregnant this time I was a size 12... Now none of my old clothes fit and im feeling fat :( Im now a size 16! :cry:

Dont chuck your clothes away though, because 9 times our of 10 you'll fit back into them.

I chucked a load of clothes away when pregnant with zack, wish I hadnt now. My mum stopped me from chucking them all away. I fit back into them almost straight away.

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