I had a very odd dream last night!
i dreamt that i went into labour and had my baby. It was like it was happening now but i was further on than 9 weeks!
It took about 5 mins. The baby was small but healthy. But he had blonde stubbly hair and a blonde goatee beard?? DP called him bradley and i was a bit annoyed i didn't get to pick the name. But i though brad sounded better.
I was just really worried that my mum who i haven't told i'm pregnant yet was going to freak. As she didn't know i was pg and i suddenly had a baby boy.
Am i a wierdo or what!!
Lau & Peanut (NOT bradley!!!)
i dreamt that i went into labour and had my baby. It was like it was happening now but i was further on than 9 weeks!
It took about 5 mins. The baby was small but healthy. But he had blonde stubbly hair and a blonde goatee beard?? DP called him bradley and i was a bit annoyed i didn't get to pick the name. But i though brad sounded better.
I was just really worried that my mum who i haven't told i'm pregnant yet was going to freak. As she didn't know i was pg and i suddenly had a baby boy.
Am i a wierdo or what!!
Lau & Peanut (NOT bradley!!!)