Why on earth.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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do people in general all ask the same, are you having any more kids? why isnt 2 enough?I have one of each and the thought of more fills me with horror and then people are surprised when i say I not a chance in hell.

One of the recent comments being ' your still so young yet, you have lots of time to change your mind' what on earth makes them think id change my mind for, I have 2 lovely kids and thats all i wanted and with Stephens condition I only just cope as it is.

Why are people obsessed with kids at the moment - concerning me, Im 25 in 2 days time, Im dieting to get my figure back and better then ever and I want to go out and get drunk and have some fun with my friends again as ive turned into a recluse the last few years. And when i say I want to get a life i get funny looks and comments from the mums at school , oh we just stay in, - bully for you, do your thing and Il do mine.

Someone asked me in the hospital just after I had given birth - about 2 days after - if I wanted more kids. Don't know what it is. My MIL has started on at me all the time dropping hints. I know it shouldn't, but it really does annoy me. Maybe because I am still traumatised from this one :rotfl:
I agree!

It is really annoying when people assume you must want more because you are young.

I get it all the time because between me and OH we have 3 boys, one each from previous relationship and Sam.
All I ever hear is ''Oooh you'll be having another one then because you'll want a girl won't you?''.
Will we?.. It really gets my back up that I must want a girl because we have 3 boys.
for what its worth ive comments the other way.i get '' ooo are you having any more cos your clock will be ticking better sneak em in quick!''.im 35 for gods sake!but for what its worth i dont intend to have any more.
I know the feeling hun. People are asking me now about the next one after Pumpkin!! :shock: :shock: They keep assuming that cos i got preggers so quick after james that i want to keep pushing them out and be some sort of baby making machine for the next xx years! :shakehead:
Worst is Alan who talks about number 3 and i aint even cooked number 2 yet!!! :wall: I have told him to get knotted cos i dont want another one after this and want to get a bit of a balance back in my life. I dont think he believes me... hes gonna be in for a loooong wait!!!
I kept getting asked before this one when i was having the next!!! I had no idea what being a mother was like so i really wasn't planning anymore! My OH on the other hand has planned the next 5!!! Yeah, he wishes, if he's gonna push half of them out his bits!!!
I cant wait to have the next

And then the next...

I want 3 kids

But not yet :D

Like Jen said, i dont want to be a baby making machine

I keep getting it too. When I say no they all say "dont you want to try for a boy?!" :roll:

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