Why does TTC have to be so confusing???


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2008
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Arrrrrgh ttc is driving me mad!! I did a pg test yesterday morning...BFN but then last night when i came home from work, i felt really weird, couldn't face eating, felt all achy and faint so i thought i was coming down with something. went to bed really early and slept for ages (unlike me). This morning i have woken up and feel ok so am obviously not ill after all...BUT...could this be a symptom???? :pray: :pray: :pray: My boobs are still really sore which does happen before af but there is no sign of the witch yet. I am now 18 dpo though so surely if i was pg it would show up on a test by now????
Nature doesn't help us out sometimes does she?!!

I was lucky in that apart from aching a little I don't get any symptoms before af is due so I knew that I was pregnant. It must be so much harder when you do.

It could be a good sign tho. Before I found out I was pg I started to feel really weird but then i'd wake up the next day feeling fine. It'd get worse as the day went on and by the evening i'd be dizzy and feeling generally pants.

Good luck hun :hug:
Thanks hannah
I don't usually get anyting apart from sore boobs before af, but that is normally just 1 or 2 days before af, i don't normally feel tired, achy or paticularly moody so i'm keeping my fingers crossed that i am pg and for some reason it's just not showing on a test yet.
aw, totally agree - af symptoms and pg symptoms are so similar!
some ladies don't show up on home pg test til quite late so it's not over yet!
fingers crossed for you :)

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