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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008
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Hey everyone :wave:
Its very late but can't sleep!!!! :(
I have felt very nauseous all week and have been really tired!!!! :sleep: (could be AF sign)
I am today Sunday, 12dpo Cd 25 or maybe 26.
This evening I could not face my evening cuppa :shock: (sooooo not like me and as we were heading up to bed I had tingling breasts!!!!!! :oops:
Am scared to do a test incase of BFN but dying todo one just in case a slight glimmer of a BFP????? :oops:
Have not had IB so no other real symptoms but oh I dont know........ :wall:
Do you all think I am just symptom spotting???? (why are they so similar symptoms?)
Oh yeah and also am constipated and I am usually :oops: TMI not!!
Now am so tired I can't sleep :cry:
Should I just wait till tuesday to see if AF arrives???
Hubby said I should wait till a week tuesday :rotfl: like thats gonna happed :rotfl:
Sorry ladies I know we have so many posts similar but well I know you all understand????????

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: for all our BFP's
Good luck Pinky - one of my first symptoms was tingling nipples :D Sickness didnt kick in for me until around the 5 week mark but I know with some people it is their first sign :D I would have tested already if I was you so congratulations for being so strong.

Jane x
i think if you test at least you wont be stressed while waiting for tuesday, even if you do another one tuesday you will have an answer for now. :hug:
Good luck hun :hug:
hIYA LOL I HAVE symptoms too, i took a test and it's bfn so i'm gonig to wait a few days to see if hag comes or not, i'd take a test if i was you but if it's neg i wouldn't be worried becasue sometimes it takes the baby some days to show the hormones
Good luck :hug: :pray: :pray:
Well tested at 5am this morning and it was BFN!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Oh well I suppose I should now wait!

Thanks for your replies xxxxx :hug: :hug:

OMG! its so freaky im in the same boat sort off..
had a bout of nausea fri then twice yesterday was actually :puke: last nite and feeling nauseous as i type, my boobs are sore but trying to not get too excited due to test thurs :pray: so i totally understand pinky its really frustrating isnt it :wall:
Hello Rene70 :wave:
This is the worst time of the month....
I knew AF would come last month but this month I really dont know and I hope its not just wishful thinking.
I wish that we could just relax and if it happens it happens but its so NOT that easy!!!! :cry:

Anyway good luck and lots of baby dust to everyone... :hug: :hug:
PS when is your AF due???? Mine is Tuesday!!
hope you get a BFP when you test again.
i did'nt get a BFP this time till AF was 4 days late
Hello Sarah :wave:
Did you do lots of BFN tests or did you just wait till 4 days after?????
Think am feeling now like AF on her way!!!! :cry:
sorry hunny its so hard not to symptom spot it really is. xx
hi pinky :wave:
AF due on thurs, so testing then :pray:

gd luck for tues ill be stalking you :lol: xx

lots of babydust sent to ya
Fingers crossed for you! Hope you get your BFP asap!!

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