Why do peoaple say....................


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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Being pregnant is the most happy time of your life etc

As far as I am concerned if I am not suffering from Constipation, I get Dahiorria, if not that, I'm peeing all the time, if not that, my skin breaks out into horrid spots, if not that, I can't stop eating, if not that, I'm suicidle with my mood swings, if not that, I've gone off my favorite food, if not that I can't sleep properly, if not that junior is kicking the living day lights out of my tummy, if not that, I get run down too quickly, if not that, some other health issue comes into place like my ankles swelling or my abcsess, if not that my nipples ache like crazy.

(sorry about spelling)

I know this sounds like a moan but I really can't see the parts where you're suppose to think being preggers is the best time of your life! Ok bits are and I love the feeling but I wish people would stop saying it, I'm about to poke some one's eye out :wall:

Was talking to mum last night, she says being pregnant is the best part, because it's onbl 9 months, your baby can't argue back, can't throw hissy fits, your still able to have a social life without worry about your children. She also says, you think this can be an annoyance, you ahve a further 20yrs ahead of you with junior :shock:

Kind of think I see the brigh side to being pregnant now :lol:
I love being pregnant - although I've had a few rocky moments along the way I wouldn't change it for anything. I've had quite a few of the things you have too, but I just think about what's happening at the end of it and feel very lucky to be carrying my baby. I know things are going to get more uncomfy but I know that when Bambi arrives I'm going to miss being pregnant so much :(
You are not alone.. and you shouldn't feel guilty for thinking it!

I have had two pregnancies this is my third. And although I Look back fondly to seeing the baby moving in the last few months I have disliked each pregnancy.

In theory pregnancy is an amazing thing, it is a wonderful fantastic time. But in reality it's pretty sh!tty!!! I've just got over the morning sickness and now I am on my third day off work because I've picked up a rotten virus from the kids, and because I'm pregnant, I am taking ages to fight it off.

With my boys as soon as I had delivered I felt fantastic, no depression, not even the sleepless nights phased me, because I felt like myself again. I'm keeping everything crossed that this time will be the same.

Moan all you like, get all the support you can, pregnancy is hard bloody work. And who cares what people think.. when your baby comes and you are so pleased to feel human again that you are dashing around like wonder woman everyone will wonder how the hell you do it. They'll think you are fantastic!!!!
Thank god! Thought I was crazy but ok now! ha lol

Don't get me wrong, this was a surprise for me a one that I love, junior was unplanned but I have so much love for my little boy now. I can't imagine ever being without him, it's wierd, only after 22 weeks, not even actually seen him in person, nor held him, I would do anything for this baby!

But I feel guilty when I moan and I can honestly say, pregnancy isn't a breeze in the park!
I absolutely positively hated being pregnant with my daughter...and I got very depressed with antenatal depression...I never got postnatal. I had a whole host of medical problems that made me feel crappy and horrible for the entirity of my pregnancy... Plus I was pregnant in June/July/August which were extrememly hot during 1999.

This time is no different. I feel sick all the time (worse than last time) constantly tired, achy...diarrea all the time, vomiting...peeing like a mad woman, fat and bloated, backache...my teeth ache so its painful to eat...constant worry that the baby has died and I don't know it... so yes... this time is as much fun as the last time.

It took a long time for my OH to convince me to have another child, and in truth I wish we had adopted and skipped the whole pregnancy thing...Having the baby is wonderful...its the getting there thats the hard bit.

Josephine Beth... I can assure you that you are not crazy...just sometimes, pregnancy is hard for certain women.
Oh luv, I can totally sympathise with you.

I seem to be really struggling with this pregnancy. I had 8 weeks of work with hyperemesis, I finally seem to be over the worst of the sickness and now I'm constipated most of the time, with piles toos!!! I have noooo energy whatsoever and can't sleep at night either. I look horrendous too and i keep seeing other pregnant women who look all healthy and blooming!

To top it off, my sister in law had a baby in January and her pregnancy was a breeze!!! She is also now supermum so i feel like I'm constantly being compared to her. Anyone else feel like this?
So you're definitely not alone. I'm soooooo jealous of women who enjoy their pregnancies, look amazing and just seem to bloom. I wish that was me.

Gem, I totally agree with you! I wasn't a model or anything before but I'd lost a lot of weight and managed to get to a point of getting rid of flab (a lil bit of tonned tummy). Now being pregnant, my tummy just looks fat again, you can tell I am pregnant but I don't have a round belly like others. I see pregnant women walking around, showing off their bumps in sexy tops etc and wish I could do that!

Not only that, it's the mood swings, I really think I may have that pre-depression thingy but the docs say I don't. So why am I feeling lonely? Apart from the normal little cries, I have dramatic, life ending spurts, like last night, it was that bad I couldn't breath and I ended up throwing things out of temper. Eric managed to calm me down before I past out for the night, this is never like me at all.

I love my baby but I don't think my body and mind are 100% ready for this pregnancy![/list]
yea and your only 11weeks :p

wait till u get further along and baby starts kicking and punching you :)

i still wanna know what my babys doing cause some things feel wierd.
I have no worries about bonding with my baby, I can't wait to hold him in my arms! That will be the moment that all my worries will disappear, this I can sense.

But until then, I feel like I'm in a black hole, I cry out for help and no one seems to listen, thinkt he doctors here are crazy also :shock:

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