A couple of freinds of mine swear by the GF routine and its worked absolutely brilliantly for their little ones. I tried it when Ollie was younger and it didnt work atall as it was hard to stimulate a baby to keep them awake (it wasnt for me). Now Ollie is a bit older my friend said to try it again so here i am typing this when Ollie is sound asleep and yet should be awake!
I'm kind of using it as a guide to help me realise how much sleep babies should have. Im also putting Ollie in his cot for sleeps (not all dark like the book says) and he does seem to settle better than in his moses basket. The bit i find so hard though is the fact it only takes Ollie 5 minutes to finish his bottle so there are massive gaps i have to fill!
I know people are usually against this routine or completely for it. I can see the pros and cons of both and alot i dont like too much. Did anyone do this routine and give up? Also did anyone do it from an early age with bottle feeding rather than breastfeeding.
I dont want to mess about with Ollie too much as hes pretty good at night (only wakes once) I also dont like the fact i have to plan things around the routine.. i want to go to lots of mother and baby classes etc..
Having typed this i kind of realise maybe its not for me!
Claire x

I'm kind of using it as a guide to help me realise how much sleep babies should have. Im also putting Ollie in his cot for sleeps (not all dark like the book says) and he does seem to settle better than in his moses basket. The bit i find so hard though is the fact it only takes Ollie 5 minutes to finish his bottle so there are massive gaps i have to fill!
I know people are usually against this routine or completely for it. I can see the pros and cons of both and alot i dont like too much. Did anyone do this routine and give up? Also did anyone do it from an early age with bottle feeding rather than breastfeeding.
I dont want to mess about with Ollie too much as hes pretty good at night (only wakes once) I also dont like the fact i have to plan things around the routine.. i want to go to lots of mother and baby classes etc..
Having typed this i kind of realise maybe its not for me!
Claire x