Whoo hoo I'm here! Hello everyone!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I'm 13 weeks today so really glad to be here in 2nd tri, I was so paranoid about not making it but all was Ok at 12 week scan last week, now I cant wait til the 20wk one in 7 weeks to find out the sex! Due date is 20th August and I cant wait!! XX
Congratulations!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I hope you enjoy your time here in 2nd tri-everyone is very helpful and friendly. :D
Hey welcome! It's lovely here :) I move to third tri in a week or so and i'm gonna really miss this one!
WELCOME WELCOME :wave: :wave:
TO TRI2 :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Congrats on your pregnancy and seeing your bubba on the scan :dance:
did you get piccies of your little one?
lookinf forward to gettting to know you
Lol Sarah :hug:

Welcome to Tri 2. I hope you have a great time here.

Alex xxx
hi hun and welcome!!! :hug:

enjoy your time in here, it flys by!! :cheer:

sarah xxx :hug:
congrats on joining 2nd tri, its amazing how time flies. All the girlies on here are lovely as well :)
Thanks everyone I really am so excited to be here! And counting the days til my next scan I cant wait!! Only another 6/7 weeks I hope it flies by! Did you all find out what you're having yet??xx
We know of ONE haha but not the other twin, just that they dont think theyre identical.

Welcome to 2nd Tri :wave: glad to have you here :hug:
bellybump said:
We know of ONE haha but not the other twin, just that they dont think theyre identical.

Welcome to 2nd Tri :wave: glad to have you here :hug:

Wow you've got loads to look forward to then finding out if they are both the same sex or one of each! Bet you cant wait for the 20 week scan like me! xx

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