Who was induced due to being overdue? What was it like?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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As the title says really, I'm now 5 days overdue and it feels like a lifetime!

Will be induced next wednesday if nothing happens before then.

Who has been through an induction because they were overdue? And what was it like?

I've heard that you're more likely to have a caesarian if you are induced. Do you think there is any truth in this?

Hiya-first of all-poor you-it's tiresome to be waiting isnt it!!

6 years ago my son was 9 days overdue when my waters broke but as nothing happened I had to be induced. I had a painful long labour but gave birth naturally (forceps). They used prostglandin gel and it started to work straight away. My mate just had her first baby and she was induced (14 days overdue), and she went through about 16 hours of labour but had to have a c section as the babys head would keep going back up every time she stopped pushing.

Good luck and lets hope you go to labour naturally.
i was induced at 14 days, they broke my waters as i was 5cm then put on the drip from about 4pm but nothing happened, well apart from major pain, as i was on such a high dose i was just having one long contraction with no breaks. baby was just stuck in the back to back position so ended up in a section at 8am next day
I was induced and it took 3 days and 3 postyn treatments to get going properly.

I found being in the hospital emotionally exhausting and physically draining, but giving birth is!

You'll be fine xx
I was induced after going 11 days over....I ended up with c section but only coz my waters had gone friday afternoon but by 7pm on saturday and after 9 hours on drip, I hadnt progressed past 2.5cm.

I had a lovely experience, my c section was brillant-I only have happy memories of the whole thing, so dont be frightened of a section, if you do have one, chose to stay awake coz its fantastic to see your baby as its ifted from you!!

There were 6 of us all nduced same day, and I was only one who ended up in theatre, everyone else had a natural birth

Hope this helps, feel free to ask me anything else to put your mind at rest xxxxx
I was induced at 11 days over my due date. I was taken in and given a pessery at 11am. I was getting what they described as prostin pains at 1st then my labour picked up pretty quick. I was fully dilated at 6pm so only 7 hours after having the pessary. I did have problems after that but I don't know if it was down to being induced or not.
I was induced, it wasn't that bad honest! I wasn't so scared because I was so fed up of waiting, I just wanted it over with. I had 2 lots of Prostin, which did nothing. After 12 hours I had my waters broken and then an oxytocin drip put up straight away. That was at 2pm. Jude was born at 2am, and I only had no intervention save gas and air, so please don't be scared. People say induced labour is more intense than natural but if you haven't had a natural labour you don't know the difference!

Good luck, you'll be fine! :D :hug:
I went 10 days overdue and went into be induced. I was so cheesed off with the bugger making me wait so chose to be induced. Was so bad that if I had my time again I wouldn't have chose to be induced. I would have just booked and paid for a private section after the whole hoohah I went through :roll:
I've been induced twice - both at +14 days - first baby was born at +18 days and the second at +15.

The first requied 4 attempts with the prostin gel to get me dilated, but the second only took 1 attempt. Both times once I was dilated and contracting I was put on a drip and my waters broken.

Neither one resulted in c-section, but the second required forceps and ventouse as the cord was wrapped around his neck.

I hope you pop naturally and don't have to wait too long and go through being induced, but if you do it's not the end of the world. Either way the end result is the same - a beautiful baby :)
i was induced at 12 days over - had my tablet about 7:30pm ish in the end and i had given birth by 6:59 am the next morning after one tablet, no problems except for a bad tear but i didnt exactly take my time when it came to pushing so thats probably why :think:
I was induced last Tuesday. I was administered with a dose of Prostin 1mg after being 10 days overdue. Not long after the gel was given, I started experiencing cramps (like period pains) and they continued to get progressively stronger. My waters broke 4.5 hours later and was admitted to the labour ward. I gave birth just over 12 hours from receiving the gel.
I was induced a week prior to DD but waters broke 4 hours after gel was inserted and delivered 2 hours later...
I went in to be induced but when the midwife did a final check before putting the gel in my contractions started.

My daughter wanted me to wait until the very last minute - literally!
I wasn't overdue but my waters broke and for days my contractins just never got close enough together, and as I was by this time in hospital they couldn't leave me so I was induced with the oxytocin drip, like paradysso I experienced what was like a constant contraction, and it wasn't nice to the extent I had an epidural a couple of hrs laters. Isaac was finally born with a forceps delivery and episiotimy.

I do know there's different types of induction, I think you should talk to your MW about your options and look up on the internet too, I personally wouldn't recommend the drip. Very best wishes to you and LO :hug:
i got a sweep thats all they gave me on the thursday early evening and my baby forced me to brake my waters friday morning
wow, I'm glad for all the replies to this thread, but especailly the later ones. I was getting very depressed with all the negative experiences out there. But at least there are some people with positive experiences of induction.

I'm still not progressing labour wise but very hopeful that it may happen before the weekend.


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