

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Tom has started whinging a lot.
He doesn't seem to be tired or hungry and his nappy is always clean.
Is this just a stage?
Has anyone else experienced the same thing?
He's normally a happy little chap but in the past couple of weeks he's taken to whining a lot all the time. When I'm holding him/when he's sitting/lying/playing/whatever.
It's frustrating and also I don't want him to be unhappy.
What do you think? x
He could be frustrated at something he can't do...maybe it could be something like he wants to be mobile but is frustrated that he can't do it. Is he crawling?
No, not crawling yet. He does seem to want to stand up a lot. Maybe it's that?!
oh lucy this could have been me writing this?!

luke is also a normally very happy baby but the last 5 or so days its been hard work he is whining and there is nothing i can do with him. he gets so over tired and i try to put him down for a nap and he fights it and gets himself all sweaty. i went out to dinner with friends last wednesday and i had to come home early where as normally he is so content just looking around. i have wasted so much milk as i often think hes hungry adn he doesn't want it.

today he has been slightly better but i hope it doesn't continue its exhausting trying to constantly distract him.

i blamed him on his teething he is frantic to put everything in his mouth.

the only thing that seems to make him smile at the moment is bouncing in his door bouncer!!

good luck i hope tom snaps out of it soon too! :wall:
Rusks, that is Tom to a tee. He gets over-tired too but then fights sleep and gets himself in to a right state.
You're right...it's so exhausting trying to distract him and keep him happy.
I've been thinking it's teeth too. Lets hope they come through soon.
Keep me posted!
L x :hug:

Isaac's younger than your lovely boys but he too is like this, and I believe it's because he wants to do more than he can and then won't switch off to sleep and gets over tired :( His big thing at the moment is wanting to stand up, it's so tiring, he's so heavy :shock:

Really hope he gets through this stage quickly and I'm sure he's still happy if eager to grow up Lucy :hug: He's so gorgeous, he's got a beautiful look that just melts me anyways :D

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