Which raspberry leaf?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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Couldn't find any RLT in Morrisons today so just checked online at tesco and holland and barrats. Tesco do Clipper and Holland and Barratt do Health and Heather, both seem reasonably priced. Checked the ingredients and H&H is only 30% raspberry leaf, Clipper is 50%. I assume you want the higher percentage?

Is there any one kind that's particularly recommended for uterine toning?

What has everyone else used? xx
I used holland and Barratt RLT, but I would just say be careful, I used it from 34 weeks and when it came to my birth my contractions started off straight away at 3-4 contractions every 10 mins and then I had another 51 hours of my labour with full on contractions, I didn't really have an easy latent phase because my uterus was so toned from the RLT xx
Ooo, thank for the warning! When you say go easy, how many cups a day did you have? Xxx

I took the tablets, so by 37 weeks I was having 4 a day.

I'd say start at 37 weeks and only have 1-2 a day. I went way too over the top with it and some of the other girls on here will say the same xx
I've got the holland & Barrett one & it's quite nice. Have had 1 cup a day for a week so far - MW looked it up & it says start about 33 weeks. I hope she's right!! Who knows if it will work but she told me to go for it. Will probably up to 2 cups at 35 & 3 at 37. Probably doing it all wrong lol xxx
I've got the holland & Barrett one & it's quite nice. Have had 1 cup a day for a week so far - MW looked it up & it says start about 33 weeks. I hope she's right!! Who knows if it will work but she told me to go for it. Will probably up to 2 cups at 35 & 3 at 37. Probably doing it all wrong lol xxx

I heard anytime from 32 weeks is fine. I'm just going to do one cup for the next couple of weeks and then up it to 2 or 3 after that xx
I took the tablets, so by 37 weeks I was having 4 a day.

I'd say start at 37 weeks and only have 1-2 a day. I went way too over the top with it and some of the other girls on here will say the same xx

I think the tablets/capsules are a slightly different dosage xx
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I'd still say don't over do it. I know everyone is different but the midwife even said to me when I was in labour, you took RLT didn't you because my contractions were ridiculous towards the end I wasn't even getting a break.

I'm also a midwife and it is obvious when women have been taking RLT and when they haven't. Just don't over do it. I did and I regretted it big time xx
I'm also a midwife and it is obvious when women have been taking RLT and when they haven't. Just don't over do it. I did and I regretted it big time xx

Could you elaborate? I'm really interested in both the benefits and the negatives xx
Yes, when I has looked after women who have used RLT their contractions tend to 'seem' more intense and their labours can go a lot quicker. It obviously also depends on the position of your baby. My baby was in an ROT position, which is right occipital transverse do his head wasn't well applied to my cervix, so I got the strong regular contractions, but my cervix wouldn't dilate. It took 49 hours for me to get to fully dilated. And I initially started with 3-4 contractions in ten mins, and when my waters broke I was having 5-6 contractions in 10 mins. This amount of contractions is unbearable as you just don't get a break from the pain.

I know the research says that RLT only really has an effect through the 2nd stage, but from what I have experienced as a caseload midwife as well as one that has worked in the hospital is that RLT can be very effective for your contractions, but can also make it extremely intense. Before I got pregnant I advised my women to start taking RLT from 36 weeks minimum and only 1-2 cups a day. Xx
Ps: everyone will have different opinions on RLT and such like but this is just mine :) xx
I just finished my first cup and I really enjoyed it. Baby seems to have enjoyed it too as he/she is having a right good wriggle! I think I'll enjoy my one cup a day, and don't see two cups being a problem but will probably wait til 36 weeks for that xx
Good information just when I needed it too :). Thanks girls
Thanks Wannabemummy that was really helpful. What do people mean by over toning the uterus? xx

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