Which period of time do you feel you are the happiest person


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
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Life is such a hasty journey, and it seems that we are more likely to look forward to the future. When i was a kid, i wish to grow up quickly. when i was in high school, i look forward to college life. When i was a college student, i wish i could find a good job after graduation. Now, i wish i will marry happily and have an adorable baby. Maybe when i have a family, things may get more complicated and there will be more wishes to come along. Life has never end. Suddenly, i am not sure which part of my life was the happiest moment or the happiest moment belongs to the future as most people think. So What is your happiest moment?
The absolute happiest period in my life so far was when I met my [now] husband in my early 20s. Falling in love, getting to know each other and realising we had something special was just so amazing and that feeling of being young free and in love was incredible!
I think right now is one of, if not the, happiest period in my life. I've got a lovely OH, two fantastic children, nice house, we are reasonably comfortable money wise. I couldn't really ask for much more and I feel very content :) xxx
The absolute happiest period in my life so far was when I met my [now] husband in my early 20s. Falling in love, getting to know each other and realising we had something special was just so amazing and that feeling of being young free and in love was incredible!

Are you still fascinated with each other now? Is there a moment that you feel boring?
Yes we are still very much in love; I still get butterflies over him. Ofc sometimes things get a bit boring, as is life lol, but we spend a lot of time as a couple doing things and enjoying each other which I think is important in a marriage.
I think when I was a kid (up til the age of about 10)

no worries
imagination was good
parents done everything for you
life was care free
your biggest worry was how late could you stay up and if you could get more sweets

I remember wishing I was older
getting a bf
getting a degree
getting a good job
getting a house
getting married
Having babies

I have most of those
but none of them have me what id say fully content
growing up aint what its cracked up to be
its stressful
between relationships. Finances. Responsibility
its hard
everything is a slog lol

and like yourself im not really enjoying the present cos im always looking at the next chapter
im wishing my life away... x
I'd say now. I'm married, have two beautiful boys and for the first time in my life know what career I want and started collage to achieve it. I'm 28 now.

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