Although I am planning on breast feeding, I thought this was an interesting question and as I am a bit bored I thought I would research for you. Well, it was indeed an eye opener!! There are a lot of people very militant about breast feeding out there
I cannot find anything about brand comparisons, presumably as this might count as advertising
It looks like if you can't or won't breast feed for any reason there is very little in the way of support and advice out there, which is awful! Lots of people can't breast feed for medical reasons or others. I can't believe how little information is out there, especially given that half of the mother in the UK bottle feed there baby after 6 weeks (from what I could gather from many websites).
So, rant over, here is the only useful information I have found so far. It's from the government's eatwell website:
Infant formula
* Cows' milk infant formulas are the alternative to breast milk unless you have been advised otherwise by your health professional. You should continue to give your baby formula milk until he or she is at least a year old. Once your baby is six months old you can give follow-on milks, but this change isn't necessary.
* Hydrolysed protein infant formulas might be prescribed by your GP if your baby has an allergy to cows' milk.
* Only use soya-based infant formulas on the advice of your GP or health visitor. Babies who are allergic to cows' milk may also be allergic to soya.
* Goats' milk infant formulas and follow-on formulas based on goats' milk protein are not suitable for babies, and have not been approved for use in Europe.