When will i get my scan date?

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Im only 5 weeks pregnant but as every woman is with pregnancy I am very eager to know when I will be told my scan date. I know it will be around 12 weeks but all the doc said was I will get sent an appointment. Does anyone know how far in advance they send this out. I am in Glasgow so understand it differs up and down the country. xx
i had to tell my doctor i was pregnant, get referred to a midwife and after that appointment she booked me in. had my midwife appointment on thurs. just waiting for scan date to come through now but as i am already 12 weeks theya re putting a rush on my scan :D

Hope that helps a bit x
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My doctor didnt really tell me much, she asked which hospital i would prefer then just said i would get my scan date. Oh you dont have long then until your scan... how exciting, hope it goes well x
no i ahve already had 2 aswell. feel a bit greedy. :) but they were emergency scans. you got a little while to go but it does go fast i promise. seems like only 2 weeks ago i found out and i was 4 weeks! :(
I wasn't asked where I would like to give birth, I was told where I was to give birth! I want a different hospital but I was pretty much told @Tough, you're going there!'
when i found out i was PG, i went stright to docs, then he made me a midwife appointment, i had that when i was 5+3 weeks and she sent off for my scan, about a week later i got my scan date, it came on the 22nd dec and my scan is 31st jan!! so had it for a while, but i went to docs/midwife early as i didnt want to have to wait and then be seen later than expected!! x
Hiya, i went to the doctors when i was about 5 weeks i think, and didnt get much info from them after from the baby book Ready steady baby, its free on the nhs for first time parents in scotland (really good book!!), about 2 weeks later i received a letter with my midwife appt and another letter with my scan date, them both came at the same time, and my scan date was a week after my midwife appt. It was a dating scan and i was 10 weeks and 2 days at that point :) xx
Im still waiting for an appointment. I hope i get one soon im already 12 weeks
I havent even been to doctors yet am going on monday. I cant wait to have my scan and to actually see it on the screen. I dont realy know what goes on its all change since my last child. xx

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