When to test?


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2011
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Ok so as this is the first month after coming off pill I don't know my cycle length....
But guessing 28 days for the sake of having some benchmark
Bearing that in mind my next period due on 17th when cani Poas?
Seen posts about 20/10miu not sure what they mean?
Do I test in morning ?
Xxx thanks girls x:)
Use First morning urine. (FMU)

20/10 mUI is the senstivity of the pregnancy test meaning the lower the number the better chance of getting a positive result earlier x

Testing - You can test before or after its personally up to you. But if you do it early you may get false negatives. I waited until about 3 days before as my cycles are about 31 days. I kept testing till I got my BFP or my AF.

Hope this helps x
Hey MrsW84

The posts you've seen about 20/10miu are about the sensitivity of the test and how much pregnancy hormone they can detect in the urine. The lower the number the more sensitive the test. The cheap one step ones I've got can test for 10 miu/ml the most sensitive you can get.

Do you have any idea if you have ov'd this month? If so I'd give it at least 14 days after that to test. If you don't then perhaps give it a week or so after the 28 days, if you can wait!! :)

You may have a really long first cycle after coming off the pill, mine was 41 days.

Hope that helps.

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