When oh when?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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I really want another baby now. It's not just random broodiness cos I feel like im aware of the negative things too. I just feel ready for number 2.

I get butterflies thinking about it and I feel like i'm aching to do it again.

DH still wants to wait a while (I don't think he is sure when will be best) and I don't want him to feel like i'm nagging him when he isn't ready.

I want another baby before Eva goes to nursery and while she still has some naps. I just feel like there is never a best time financially and you just have to go for it and adapt if you want another one :?
agree with you about the financial side, there will always be some reason or other than you cant afford it but i think you must always adapt when the new arrival arrives? at least i hope you do! hopefully your OH will come round soon, have you tired talking to him about how you feel? :hug:
Hiya, I agree about the money side of things too. OH was on about it last night and he was worried that we wont have enough money when the baby comes. I told him that we always manage (which is true!) and when a baby comes along, like you said, you just adapt. I think you learn to prioritise without even realising it, so as for your finances Im sure it'd be fine :hug:

As for convincing your DH that its time for baby number 2...cant help you there, men can be so stubborn lol :lol:
I think it is good for many reasons to have babies close together if you can. It is good for Mum and the children.

Money is always an issue and always will be regardless of circumstances. As mentioned you adjust.
there are the good sides and the down sides. some times i get real upset about it and regret doing it so soon. not Harley of course but maybe me of Having more time in the first place with Dior.
ild love to be able for just me and Dior to go out and do girly things and take her swimming or just go for a walk together. but its so hard and swimming is almost imposible.
but then its the same with Harley i wish i could just snuggle up to him and sit with the younger babies in mother baby group. but i cant im all over the place.

but its so rewarding seeing them together. and knowing they have each other all through growing up and wil more then likely share the same friends ect.

ild go for it Vic. you sound more then ready. and your right about the naps together Dior and Harley both have a 2hour nap at the same time together in the day.

your OH has just as uch of a say as you but you wil be the one at home with them both and you no that the sooner the better so maybe try telling him the benifits.
I'm the same as you Tori! Feel ready for baby number 2 but dh wants to wait.
I think it is less the fear of having another baby and more the worry of money that DH is thinking of now.

I want to be pregnant by January hahah :rotfl: let's see if it works out that way lol

I'm like verucca salt - i want it and i want it now :D
i was ready straight after kai also, it actually took me till jan last yr to convince OH to have another, it then took us a yr to catch then i lost it now im no nearer lol sorry just havin a rant here im more than ready now.
Finacially the only time we'd be ready is if we won the lottery :lol: but we will manage now anyway.
I say go for it just keep badgering OH! :lol:
good luck for when u do start TTC.
ToriElla said:
I think it is less the fear of having another baby and more the worry of money that DH is thinking of now.

I want to be pregnant by January hahah :rotfl: let's see if it works out that way lol

I'm like verucca salt - i want it and i want it now :D

My oh wanted to wait a bit but like you i didn't :oops: . I was taking the pill and told him i wanted to come of it to give my body a break :fib: , so if he wanted sex he would need to use a condom,his answer was "we will start trying now then" and within 3 months i was pregnant :wink: xx
I wish you the very best of luck Tori, whenever you decide to try!

You definately sound ready, go for it chick xxx
id say go for it hun you sound more than ready and there would be pros and cons whenever you decide to do it so go with your heart xxxxx
I bugged Mark to ttc :lol: a woman knows what she wants. (We didn't start till he was ready aswell though of course, I wantesd him to want it just as much). He wanted to wait till now (Sept/Oct) to start trying, but hey hum, got pg rigt away and here we are 12 weeks down the line. Money will always be an issue hun, whetehrt you have one or two. I can't imagine 2 being that much more epxensive as you already have the basics, and the food isnt that much more.
Hi Tori! I can't advise you on ttc as I'm not but wanted to ask you this, I had read somewhere before that you're half greek, is that right? Do you speak greek? I'm greek :D

Andrianne said:
Hi Tori! I can't advise you on ttc as I'm not but wanted to ask you this, I had read somewhere before that you're half greek, is that right? Do you speak greek? I'm greek :D


I speak a little, understand more than I speak though. My dad is from Rhodes. Where are you from :) x
Oh how exciting. If you trying to convince OH on the money front, your best bet is to firstly point out that a second child doesnt particularly increase your outgoings, but more importantly the sooner you get all your childbearing out of the way, the sooner they grow up, start school, and you can go back into full time employment and be making more money. If you leave a big gap, you will be at home with the kids for years. (This was my argument, and my SIL is now using this to try to get my brother to agree to bub number 3!)
If all goes to plan we'll be TTC in Jan. I'm soooooo excited and happy!!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Join me in a happy dance!! :lol:


Hun hope everything works out for you and you conceive right away
My dh just turned to me as we were driving today and said he would like to have a play mate for Aaron asap :cheer: Not sure when we'll be ttc but it'll be soon yay :D

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