When/how you get your scan date?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
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Ladies does the midwife book your scan at the first appointment? I'm due to see her next week, just wondering if she will book my scan then or will it come through from the hospital?
my doctor referred me to the community midwife team and then just over a week later i got an appointment to see the midwfe and a separate letter with my scan date,

not sure if this happens all over or what, just thought id sgare what happened with me, im 11 weeks tomorrow AND will be 12 weeks when i see her so might be up to them as to when they see you x
i think i got referred through my gp. and i got letters from the hospital with dates.
this was before i saw the midwife, or even got a call from a midwife.

i think it varies in different areas and different circumstances.

Oh I haven't even seen my doctor?? The receptionist said unless I wanted to, I could just wait to see the mw?

I've been referred by my midwife every time here, and got a letter not long before the scan to tell me the date. I think different areas do things differently though x
I by passed the doctors this time as they don't do anything just phoned the midwife up for an appointment with her. As for ur scan I got a letter in the post last time about a week or so after my booking in appointment. Xx
Yeah you usually get your scan date after seeing the midwife, I got mine today but I see my consultants every two weeks I'm under heavy care this time glad of it really. It will come soon hun most probably about 1-2 weeks after midwife as she sends your data to hospital of your choice x
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Eeeeeeek I'm so excited!!!! I really can't wait! :)

When I see the mw I will be almost 8 weeks, was meant to be seeing her the week after but she had to bring it forward. I really want my scan before xmas so I'm thinking of telling a small porkie to my mw and saying my last period was a week earlier than it really was???! Is that a bit sneaky? Obviously they will date me correctly at the scan, but that way i will have had it a bit earlier :) xx
Upto you hun, you could always ask her to do it anyway and tell truth she might be nice and do it as a christmas present :) x I had one today which date me three days behind but I'm sticking with my weeks on ticker for now x I know they will backdate me anyhow they did last time. :)
I haven't got my date yet but my midwife sends it off. I told a porky and told them my period was a few days earlier as I really want my scan before 9th December! xx
Haha oh well that makes me feel better about doing it then if I'm not the only fibber :)

I just think il relax so much more after seeing the scan, and il be able to enjoy Xmas knowing everything is ok x

Oh I'd calmed myself down over the past few days and now I'm all giddy and excitable again!! Xxx
It makes no difference to them telling a little fib about your dates as they date you at the scan. It might just be you have an 11 week scan instead of 12 or 13 which can only be a good thing :) x x
I'm waiting to be contacted by my mw, I was told they would ring when I got to 8 weeks. I'm not sure if she sorts out the scan app in my area, this is all new to me :) I really can't wait until my 12 week scan and intend to beg if needs be so I can have one before Xmas. I really want to know everything's ok and there's no way we'll get through Xmas without telling everyone! xxx
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Yeah kirsty a week wont make much difference to them, it just means I'm almost certain to get the scan before everywhere closes for Christmas.

Taffy ur due a few days before me so u should defo get ur scan before Xmas. I don't wana risk being honest and then being told to wait til jan for my scan so il just put my dates back a week :) no harm done.
Yay!! Xxx
i get given a phone number to ring when ive been to see the midwife and after 3 days ring up to make an appointment for a scan :) but like the others have said i think things vary from place to place :) xx
Must be different everywhere. I had to ring the midwife team to arrange my booking appointment which is on 30th November. Apparently they have a diary to book scans when you attend you appointment. Very exciting!

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