When does baby


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Start moving up towards the bump area, because when people say ive got a baby bump an im thinking the baby hasnt even got to the mifddle yet its still down near the pelvic area and im 17 weeks an starting to wonder if im just fat or if the babys moved yet because the heartbeat is still heard down the pelvic area and its very strong so why hasnt the baby moved much :( am i hoping to much for the baby to be in the middle already.

I dont even know what to expect :eh:

anyone know when the baby starts to move up to the top abit?? x
Hey dunno if this helps but I'm 22 weeks and the m/w still listens to bubs heartbeat from down in the pelvic area. Maybe that's just the best place to hear it from? I know your womb reaches your belly button at 20 weeks. Sorry I'm not much help
Even towards the end you'll hear the heartbeat clearly low down - it doesn't mean that the baby is all still down there :)
Oh right lol so when i go for 20 odd week scan they should be moving the doppler thing further up :D.
maybe im just thick i end up thinking the baby is not growing or something because i think its still quite low down i dunno :shrug: lolx
I'm feeling movement down below, and can pick up the heartbeat very low down to the left, but the upper part of my abdomen, from my belly button right to my rib cage is rock hard and very rounded so I know it's moved up :)
I cant tell if the baby has moved i get pain low down but i dont know if it means babys movement? :S i dont know anything. All ive felt is pain lol i think x
Haha! I'm like that! Everyone at work keeps mentioning the size of my bump (17 weeks) and i'm like, no, it's fat - baby's down there still! Maybe not then, although my midwife said that the baby is still quite low down. Who knows! I like to think it's a bump and not too much chocolate...! ;-) Xx
Haha! I'm like that! Everyone at work keeps mentioning the size of my bump (17 weeks) and i'm like, no, it's fat - baby's down there still! Maybe not then, although my midwife said that the baby is still quite low down. Who knows! I like to think it's a bump and not too much chocolate...! ;-) Xx

same here lol. thats why im worried bout being fat quite early on :( lol.
im hoping the babys moved up so that i can say the babys moved ;) lol x
I've given up on my weight, i've never been much of a stick. As long as our baby is of a normal weight and is healthy then I aint complaining!
OMG - i've just realised we're due a week apart!! I'm on 11th Aug! Hehe! We can be bump buddies! lol!

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