When did your LO's start sitting,talking,crawling,walking?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Getting closer to the birth of my little boy, I've started thinking about all those milestones like talking, crawling etc. I've realised I have no ideas when babies actually do things.. I know that each baby is different, I just thought it would be a nice idea as to what to expect!

So when did your LO's hit the milestones such as sitting up, talking, crawling and walking?
I read online that some babies were talking and walking by 9 months! I thought it was much much later than that!!

Thanks ladies :D
Finlay sits - not all the time and topples over a lot. He has been for a few months.

He talks rubbish :lol: Has done for a while. Happily chatters away to himself but its not recognisable words to us. Well some are but I don't think they are intentional

Sort of crawling but not fantastically and he gets frustrated.

No where near walking but loves standing up!

Every baby is different so don't follow whatt you read. Your LO will reach milestones in their own time
The babycentre.co.uk has information on when your child is likely to reach certain milestones plus if you sign up for the email you will get updates as your child grows :)

So far Calleigh can sit unaided, i think possibly the past few weeks where she does it without falling over (unless she leans to far for somehting out of her reach :lol: )
She doesnt crawl yet and shows no sign of doing so any time soon :roll:
And she just does the baby babble at the mo, no obvious words as yet.
So far Sam can, sit unaided, pull himself up to stand, crawl and he quite often says Mama, hiya and No but i they are unintentional i'm sure.
Becky sat somewhere between 5 and 6 months. However the sitting has completely gone to pot in favour of trying to move. Now she can't sit still long enough to sit! Crawling, sort of, she rolls to get from A to B but crawled properly last week right into the hearth of the fireplace :wall: Funnily enough she's never tried since. Similar to the others she babbles and makes sounds that sound like words but I'm sure they're not intentional. :lol:
Angel smiled at 21 days old. Sat at 5 months, now completely unaided and has for a few weeks. She's been crawling properly for 2 weeks-ish. She has said Dada once and cries Mama alot when she wants picking up! And last night has started to try and pull herself up.
Sitting was the most complex task lil miss needed to master... she started around 5 months but didn't really master it till she was nearly 7.

Talking, she started saying mum mum when she was hungry at around 4/5 months but it wasn't really clear if she meant me or boobies... it wasn't till she started properly signing at 6 months that we knew she was saying things. She very clearly says no atm, (its her favourite word atm :roll: Shakes her head and everything) and she said Mummy properly last night :dance: so I would have to say around 6-9 months for talking.

Crawling, she started commando crawling in September and by October she was crawling properly... last week she took her first unaided steps :) :cheer: So 7 months for crawling 9/10months for walking :)
My son sat up at around 5 months but took him a month or so to perfect it and sit comfortably unaided so Id say 6 months. Around the same time he used to get on his hands and knees and rock backwards and forwards trying desperately to crawl, but he didnt master how to actually move until a week before 7 months old. He crawled for ages before even attempting to walk, he was pretty lazy!! He started cruising around the furniture at about 10 months but didnt walk unaided until a week before his first birthday. As for talking he said basics like dad, mum, ta etc from about 8 months but by the time he was 18 months old you could have a pretty decent conversation with him, they pick it up pretty quickly once they start! :hug:
my mum boasts to me that i was walking by 10 months, talking by 12 months, not having naps in the day and never thumb-sucked or had a dummy (i'm a lot more laid back and PROUD!)

my daughter first rolled very early- 2 months- but everything else a bit late- sitting up unassisted just over 6 months, crawling (not commando-style i mean properly) at 10 months, and walking (independently) at 16 months (altho she took a few steps at 14 months and she was walking holding hands from 9 months)

talking is a difficult one coz im a bit stringent with what i class as "talking". most parents seem to think their child's first noise that sounds remotely like a one-syllable word means speech and praise it! my dad is one such, according to him millie is saying allsorts- but i'm a realist and i dont see why people are such a hurry to grow their babies up fast. i wouldnt say she is really talking yet. she waffles on *like* she is talking but its nonsense babble its like she is speaking another language (INDESCRIBABLY CUTE THO!)

idk if that helps!

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