When did you test?


Apr 7, 2010
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Hi Ladies

I was wondering what is the latest date you got your first BFP. Like how many days after period is due?

I am due today and nothing yet (fingers crossed) so wondering when I should test again...


I tested about 1 day after af due (my cycle didnt sort out) and got bfn and then waited a week cos I couldn't bear to see that another bfn. Tested on monday and got a very clear bfp. Hope you get your bfp soon :)
i was on a 24 day cycle but didnt get my positive till day 28
Thanks Frankie and Serenity!

I will try to hang in there, but Frankie, how did you manage to wait another week?? I struggle to even wait half a day sometimes!! I am so terrible when it comes to POAS! LOL
I was totally convinced that I wasn't pregnant and also spent a couple of night's at my parents so wasn't going to test while I was there. But mainly it was cos I thought I had no chance and would defo see another bfn that helped me wait another week. Good luck :)
My AF arrived girlies do I m out this month :(

so depressing as I swear that I had all the preggers symptoms.

I think we are going to stop trying for a while and
see what happens as it's really getting me down.

Good luck to everyone who are trying and all the best to those with
their wee bumps :) hugs xx
Sorry she got you, hopefully you will find that when you are not trying you relax and find it easier to conceive. Good luck.
sorry she got you hun, its a blow every time she arrives, lets hope when your not actually trying it takes some pressure off you and then you get your BFP, fingers crossed for you hun x x
sorry she got you hun.

hope next month is your month.

would be a good way to start 2011!!!


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