when did you first hear heartbeat on the doppler?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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I've been trying for about a week and i can't hear baby yet...

when did you first hear baby's heartbeat on the doppler?
14 weeks. Mind you I never bothered before that as I'd heard results were patchy and didn't want to worry myself.

10 weeks is often still a little early, even with a good one.
I've been trying for about a week and i can't hear baby yet...

when did you first hear baby's heartbeat on the doppler?
14 weeks. Mind you I never bothered before that as I'd heard results were patchy and didn't want to worry myself.

10 weeks is often still a little early, even with a good one.
I believe it was around 12 weeks. I started trying at around 10 weeks and worried myself sick when I couldn't find it. Then at 12 weeks it suddenly appeared loud and clear.
I believe it was around 12 weeks. I started trying at around 10 weeks and worried myself sick when I couldn't find it. Then at 12 weeks it suddenly appeared loud and clear.
Doplers are a present from the devil.............. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
14 weeks so please dont worry if you dont hear it early
I was in hospital at 14 weeks with severe dehydration and sickness etc. the midwives had a go at finding the baby's heartbeat with the doppler but couldn't get it. I wish they hadn't have tried coz they worried me sick.

They just said it was prob too early.

Then i was back in 2 weeks later (16 weeks) and they found it really easy, loud and clear.

Dont be worrying about it. It's hard not to but i think you're well too early yet xx
I found it early last time.

I've got a display on my doppler which shows it can detect the HB but I can't hear it yet.

Everybody is different, some find it earlier than others.

Personally I found my doppler of great reassurance first time around and same this time around even if I have to just settle for the HB being displayed on the screen rather than hearing it.

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