What's your ovulation pain like?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2016
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I get 2 days of heavy dull aches on both sides and then a series of sharp painful twinges - almost like stabbing - which can last between 30 seconds and a few minutes. It is intermittent - every few seconds. Is this definitely ovulation? If so I am ovulating just before my pos opks, which could explain why I haven't got pregnant yet.

Also this month I have left side twinges on cd6 and 7, and right side ones on cd9. I know it's possible to ovulate twice in a cycle...I wonder if that's actually happening...

Just wondered what other people experience and how accurate do you think this is as an indicator of ovulation?
I don't always get on pains anymore, before I had my children I knew exactly when the egg popped out and from which side. These days I know I'm fertile more from my ewcm, some months I get ovary twinges some months I don't. When I do it's just like a throbbing in my ovary, doesn't usually hurt, more like a weird feeling. Every now and then I'll feel the egg pop out but it's rare now and that can be quite painful, like a sudden sharp stabbing pain maybe followed by a throbbing feeling.
That's really helpful, thanks. Sounds like what I'm experiencing! Hope your BBTing is still going okay. x
Are you only bding on the day you get your positive opk?

My thermometer is playing up, I'm going to buy a new one. Only had it 3 weeks so not very happy but it means I don't really trust what it's telling me x
Oh no, that's so annoying! I discarded my first thermometer and got one I've been using for ages now. Occasionally it needs the battery changing but otherwise it's fine.

Yes, we are mostly dtd the day of the opk. My DH hasn't been well recently and is still a bit tired so although we try it's usually worked out to be just the day of the pos opk. So glad we dtd early this month. Weirdly my normal opks are not showing a positive yet though while the CB is showing peak.
Some months I don't get any pain but when I do get it, it's quite frankly horrendous at times!!

I get an ache in my abdomen and sharp pain on one side (depending on which side the egg is released from) It generally lasts anything from a few hours to all day. It can be bad enough that I need to take pain killers throughout the day until it eases.

No pain here, just LOADS of discharge (sorry for TMI) X
After my first pregnancy I get very bad pains during ovulation. I had some previously but something has changed since I had my baby. I usually get 2 days of positive ovulation test and the second day of positive the pain is quite intense so assume I am just about to ovulate.

Last month I got a second positive in the morning and then in the afternoon the pain was so intense I had to take pain killer so in my case I think the pain is coming just before or during ovulation.

Its a similar pain as if you had gas ( TMI ) but more sharp/stabbing and I always get it on one side low down ( assume the side I ovulate ). It hurts walking and moving quickly and trying to dtd is not fun! Crazy you are the most fertile when its painful to have sex!!

Thank you all. It does sound like the pain is ovulation then...that's great. Sorry for those of you who have really painful ovulation - that sounds horrible. MariaIsabella, mine feels a bit like gas or a stitch - really sharp. yes it's crazy you are the most fertile when it's painful to have sex - also I get really anxious around ovulation probably because of the estrogen...it doesn't exactly set the mood!!!
I get a dull almost period like cramping in my lower abdomen. Sometimes I'll get sharp shooting pain (doesn't last long, like 5 minutes) from either the left or right ovary, sometimes both. The doc said with my last appointment that I had a cyst (turns out I O that day so I don't know if the cyst was actually just the egg before it released - then again, she's the doc so I believe her rather), that too can cause painful O I'm told. I've never had a + OPK, only faint lines. I don't think my hormones are strong enough yet to give me a + (or that's at least what I think it might be hehehe)
mine kind of feels like a dull period type feeling... it doesn't particularly hurt, just slightly uncomfortable I suppose. Occasionally I will get a stitch-like feeling, which lasts only a second or two thankfully!

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