Whats your favourite colour and why?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2006
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Random but hey ho :lol:

My favourite colour is black and I have no idea why :lol:
Sorry to say it, but i love pink. Always so refreshing and bright. Plus pink in colour suits my fair skin and lighter colour hair, when it comes to cloths

I use to hate the colour, ooohhh well i guess we all change, LOL.
I hated pink you'd never see pink on me or in my home ...

I bought everything quite neutral with my first daughter and I regretted it quickly. Everything is now so girly! haha
Haha, i'm the same, pink isn't allowed anywhere near me! :D

My faves are black and purple as I'm a goth at heart!

My favourite colour always used to be dark purple - but my first car 9 years ago was a pink one and since owning that everything has to be pink!
I am calming down alot from the pinkness now though!
mine is pink too! i love it dont really know why but always have!
mint/pastel green and because i have a nail varnish that colour and like it haha x
Pink to make the boys wink :lol: I even have a seperate pink wash I do every other day I have so much! Weird cos I used to be a proper tomboy and always wore blue!
My fav is purple, i used to hate pink till i had my first daughter, i even told everyone is she was a girl to buy purple but once she was born the pink started rolling in lol
Blue is my favourite random colour and I've no idea why :lol:

To wear though everything I own is black :lol: so its a strong contender too :D
I love green - its so fresh and renewing! I have a pair of green shoes that I love and a green rain mack! :) I do like pink too, in fact I have a green and pink scarf that is really nice :)
I took to green for kids after seeing sams mums much green-ness for Sam :lol: If I'd have ever of had a boy I'd have greened him up lol
I chop and change my favourite colour. I'm having a pink phase at the moment, have got a lot of black clothes but have made a concentrated effort to introduce some more colour into my wardrobe.
I like teal blue, or duck egg blue. Its fresh and light. I go through pink phases like but my fave is the teal blue xx
I'm a fan of the whole navy/white theme at the moment.

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