Whats your cleaning routine?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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What tasks do you do and when? Here are ours, shared between me & hubby... not including sorting Ellie out.

Make Beds
Wipe down Kitchen
Check Bank / Money

Every other day:
Hoover all of house
Mop all floors
Polish / Dust

Every few days:
Wipe down bathroom
Clean out cat bowls
Water plants
Fresh Food Shopping

Change Bedding
Scrub Bathroom

Clean out fishtank
Hoover under sofas / beds etc
Hoover Stairs
Large shop

Pay Bills
Windows Inside

Not often enough: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Ironing - I do it as we need it!
Windows Outside

There are loads more lol
I'm TRYING to get into a routine - I drew one up around OH's working hours but then they changed, lol.


Make Beds
Wipe down Kitchen#
Wipe down bathroom
Check Bank / Money
(don't cook, lol!)

Every other day:

Hoover either upstairs or downstairs (I alternate)

Every few days:

Scrub bathroom
Polish / Dust
Scrub kitchen
Scrub kitchen


Change Bedding
clean out washing machine
clean out tumble dryer


skirting boards
de-cob-webbing ceilings
Windows Inside

Not often enough: :oops: :oops: :oops:
watering plants (somehow they are still alive!)
wash/tidy the car
I dont have a routine, i do things as i need to. Life is too short to sit and work out a cleaning rota!
No routine, im most likely to leave it all till i get really irritated and then blitz everything in one go
I done a very precise rota which spanned over a 4 week period and took into account every household chore that needed to be done and when including every room.

It looked very clever and in theory it would work a treat but I forgot one thing.........

Im a lazy biatch!!!!!!!!!

one day, one day
Melanie said:
I dont have a routine, i do things as i need to. Life is too short to sit and work out a cleaning rota!

lmao I dont have a rota I just do them as and when I get chance & feel like it which is usually the above :)
chickadee1976 said:
No routine, im most likely to leave it all till i get really irritated and then blitz everything in one go

Thats what I do, I leave everything for when im in the mood or when we are due visitors lol

Yes I'm pink Dh is blue :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

This is just the weekly chores really and more so we can divide up the chores equally.. oh and we have the special "lasts a month" cat litter but it don't really last a month so we have to fully change it every week :evil:
Seriously and I work full time :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: If I didn't have all my little spread sheets I'd go mad.. We even have spread sheets for Tia and lil miss and what they need to be doing... its not 100% strict but I find its makes things easier because I ONLY have to do whats on the list... :)
OK I cannot have a routine for doing household chores and stuff. I just do things as they come up. I never plan on when to change my bedlinen. I just wait for a day that turns out sunny or windy so I can hang it on the line to dry. if thats 10 days or 8, I just go with the flow.

Same with everything else. Bathroom gets done once a week, but never on a set day. Just when I get around to it. Hoovering the same. When I start to see bits on the carpet out comes the vaccum :lol:

I never make the bed. I just pull the duvet back to air out the bottom sheet. Humans sweat overnight so its always good to let things air... all day :D

I don't use spray polish. I tend to damp dust as dry dusting only moves it around to settle elsewhere. Again, I tend to just do it when it needs doing.

I prefer to use my time doing other things. If I spent so much time each day doing housework I'd never get out and about.

And cooking is something I enjoy but often cook in bulk so I can just reheat and serve. Saves me time :)
okay, gee lets see, here's our routine.

empty bins
load/unload dishwasher
shove things around the house in a vague attempt to make it look tidy that always fails miserably, which is why my house is a total and complete and utter pigsty.

:oops: :oops: :oops:

I really need order in my life
Squiglet said:
Seriously and I work full time :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: If I didn't have all my little spread sheets I'd go mad.. We even have spread sheets for Tia and lil miss and what they need to be doing... its not 100% strict but I find its makes things easier because I ONLY have to do whats on the list... :)

MARRY ME :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
My OH thinks I'm crazy because I have a rota (on excel) AND every day I write a list of what needs to be done and who by.. I have lists for everything! I like to feel organised and i'm a clean freak!
Squiglet said:

Yes I'm pink Dh is blue :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

This is just the weekly chores really and more so we can divide up the chores equally.. oh and we have the special "lasts a month" cat litter but it don't really last a month so we have to fully change it every week :evil:

Good idea but it wouldn't work for us. DH shifts change every week and I would end up having to do his chores...not that he would do them properly anyway.

I don't have any kind of routine. I just try to do jobs as they need done. House is a complete mess so that isn't working either. xxx
I think we only do ours cos its a new house and our first home that we've actually owned so like to keep it tidy cos we're proud... i'm sure the novelty will wear off soon :lol:
As and when its need doing / i can be arsed!

I know what im like and if i had any sort of rota I wouldnt do it just cos there was a rota there telling me I had to do things at set times!! I would resent it!!!

I end up hoovering and polishing a couple of times a week clean bathrooms couple of times a week, tidy up toys etc and kitchen daily, and do the ironing when seeing the huge pile of it getting bigger depresses me more than the actual thought of doing it!!

So about once a month!!!!
Squiglet said:

Yes I'm pink Dh is blue :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

This is just the weekly chores really and more so we can divide up the chores equally.. oh and we have the special "lasts a month" cat litter but it don't really last a month so we have to fully change it every week :evil:

Love it, it brought a tear to my eye.
Thats what mine was like though it was over 4 weeks to accomodate the days I was not working and the nights I know dh wont be in. I mostly do it all and oh chips in when I think he can. I just ask him if he could do this or that but I know sometimes when he is too busy. He is self emplpyed.

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