what's the weirdest thing you've been told to induce labour?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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Just wondering girls! (I'm looking for ideas!) :lol: :lol: :lol:

A friend of mine told me to brew 3 teabags in a cup and add 2 tablespoons of brandy, and to drink that 3 times a day for 3 days....and on the 4th day you'll (supposedly) go into labour! :D A doctor told her that! She did it and went into labour on the third day....so I'm thinking of trying it :lol:

Any more weird ones you've heard girls?

C xxx
That can't be a pleasant drink!! :lol:

I have no tips, just HAD to comment... :)
I read someone had been told to try a pineapple and semen smoothie.

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

I was NEVER that desperate.
I think the weirdest ones are castor oil or a curry. The idea with both is that you will get the runs and the cramps from that will set off labour. Surely labour is enough without having that too!
3 teabags & brandy? 3 times a day? :puke: think you must go into labour with that coz your body thinks your trying to kill yourself or something... sounds awful! As for the smoothie.... ewwwwwwww

My sister keeps telling me to go for a jog!!!! Can you tell shes never been pregnant?! JOG?! Who is she kidding?!

Ive also been told to run up & down the stairs.... almost as ridiculous as jogging.
Curry (i swear if ONE more person tells me to eat it ill hit them), same for pineapple & sex..... none of it is working for me so far though & im 7 days over today.
^^ Yes, crabing up and down the stairs is meant to help.. I dont know how.

Iv never hurd that brandy one. Just the usual - Pinapple, RLT, Castor oil, sex, etc etc

(I took RLT for 3 weeks and ate a tikka masala with rice - I was in labour less than two hours later, saying that, I could have been in labour in the restaurant, but I didnt feel to bad!! lol)
I was told oral sex, unfortunatly us giving rather than receiving .. guarentee a man came up with that theory, and he is dreaming if he thinks i'm doing that!! and you gotta swallow or it wont work :talkhand:
vickyxoxo said:
I was told oral sex, unfortunatly us giving rather than receiving .. guarentee a man came up with that theory, and he is dreaming if he thinks i'm doing that!! and you gotta swallow or it wont work :talkhand:

:rotfl: :rotfl:
Deffo a blokes theory!!!
badgergirl said:
I read someone had been told to try a pineapple and semen smoothie.

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

I was NEVER that desperate.

Eww! That is so wrong!

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