Whats the stuff called for regulating your cycles?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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I rememeber it being mentioned on here a while back. I came off pill in Jan as you know but my cycles have been messed up since.....23,33,28,32. Do you think that taking this stuff would help if I'm not PG this month?
Vitex? I take it and it seems to help.
If you google Agnus Castus it should bring up some places you can purchase them from. Not sure how much they are but i know i have seen you can also get them from Holland and Barret.

My SIL is training to be a Homeopathist and has given me some Foliculinum to give a go, it's apparently an Oestrogen extract which has been known to help balance things. I'm going to try them on CD15-16 this month and see if it makes any difference to my cycle or helps me get PG. If it doesn't seem to sort my cycles out this or next month then i'm going to try the Agnus Castus myself as well.

Good luck with it and let us know how you get on, would be interested to find out if it makes a difference. Are you ovulating at all?
Well I think so. I used OPK's since Jan apart from this cycle and although I never got the line to be as dark as the control I always came on around 2wks later. Thats why I stopped using them TBH because Happy Chick also said she never got a pos with them and she is now 10wks gone LOL.
Brilliant, that's good. I'm just wondering as I actually OV very late in my cycle, not actually giving my luteal phase long enough to implant any eggs, so was thinking that Agnus Castus may help to bring on Ov earlier and help with implantation. So i would defintely be interested to know how you get on with it.

Please keep us informed. :D
I used Agnus Castus for two cycles after irregular cycles and they settled at 32. decided the following month i would try without and my cycle went to 43 days. So this month i am back on it and hoping that OV is day 18 and we are back on track.

Just got some at lunchtime from Boots £7.99 and they have a 3 for 2 offer on all herbal things.

Good luck x

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