whats bubs up 2?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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hi every1

just wondering if any1 else gets this, bubs will b kickin away happily, then my whole tummy will start shaking like bubs is going mad in there, it will only last a few seconds but it is enough 2 make u stop and take notice.

so any ideas girls

also conrats 2 every1 that has popped recently
i made a thread about this a few weeks ago! no idea what it is, but it's completely normal, apparently! haha.
I get this quite a lot, its totaly normal, nothing to worry about. Just LO having a good wriggle around!
I wish I knew! I love it when LO does that! Its like shes body popping of something!
I get this too, & what i find really weird is that neither of my daughters did it when I was carrying them?! Its such a weird feeling!!
I was thinking this before. I want a camera in there to see what's going on.

It feels like it's moving furniture or something at the moment. Strange child!
i keep comparing a weird movement to when a dog or cat shakes down after they have got wet... but obviously very quick. Id love to know what it is doing when is does it.... oh well, will never know!
Just a hypothesis here but I have the wonderful privalidge of seeing my prem Nephew who was due 2 days after my LO so its almost like seeing my LO in the outside world IYKWIM his movements and habits are very similar to those I believe my LO is having inside of me minus the outside stimulation feeding etc obviously.

He does this little shuddery sigh type thing when he has had a good wriggle and I sometimes think it maybe something similar to that inside the woumb, obviously ours wont be breathing air but I wonder if its just an involuntary spasam or something getting used to exercising their lungs (which is what they do when they swalow small amounts of fluid in there)

Does that make sense to anyone?? or does it sound compleatly mad??
yeah i get wot ur saying aramintalovegrove, ur not mad lol

i guess we will never really know. oh well as long as LOs are healthy,

it does make me laugh when i watch my tummy moving and limbs coming out, im thinkin make the most of it in there lol, hopefully u will b out soon LO

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