What would you do???


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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As you are prob awear Arianna has tonsilitus again (2nd time in 6mths)... Brian has just emailed me saying to contact our health insurance and get them whipped out as he doesnt want her to suffer like I do.... my whole family get really bad ear, nose and throat problems :(

Would you get them out now or wait and see if she gets it again?
I know my cousin had years of hell with hers, they didn't take them out til she was 22, a friend's niece had her out at 4yrs old and it's the best descision they made.
I got mine out when I was 6. I think the earlier you get them out the quicker the recovery time. I'd probably get them taken out now :hug:
I was absolutely plagued by throat and ear problems when I was little. It was horrendous and there was a worry I'd fall behind at school if something wasn't done. I had them out when I was 7 and I've only had a handful of sore throats since then so I'm sure having them out saved me a lot of misery. I rarely get ill now just the occasional cold.

If you can get it done on a private plan I'd not hesitate to go for it because the NHS will only take them out in really extreme circumstances. One of my friends is now 30 and is out of commission several weeks a year with it. She's been hospitalised with dehydration several times too yet they will still not do anything apart from give her antibiotics.

Poor Arianna :hug: :hug:
Get them out i say as i didnt have them out till i was about 15 and i kept getting sent home from the hospital as they were ALWAYS infected and they couldnt operate.
when she has recovered have them out.. i had mind out at 21.. and i bled after.. was gross i couldnt breath for blood.. gah! it took me weeks to recover it was agony, if you can do it get them out.. looks like she might be prone to get it if your family do.. either way if you have health insirance it wont harm for her to see an ENT specialist anyways xx
Whip em out!

The younger the better, she'll have no memory of it and be back on her feet a few hours after the op!

I had mine out at 16 and I was in hospital for 6 days afterwards because I was in such pain (or being such a pain!?!? :think: ), there was a 5 year old in the same ward who got out the next morning!

They'll give you all the pro's and con's and then you'll have a clearer picture luv!
IIRC they tend to not like to operate to remove them so young these days. Often things improve with time.

I had mine out when I was 2 years old in 1972 but if that was today chances are they would defer it and treat in other ways.

Why not talk to your GP about it and see what they say and then maybe discuss with a Consultant about it if you feel you want to explore the option of having them removed.
I don't know, this is a tough one. On one hand tonsolitis is horrible, I have had it a few times but then surgery is a big thing too. I had to have a number of precedures when I was about 2 ad a half and I remember it, and was frightened and Im personally would want to wait till they were old enough to understand what was happening IYKWIM. I think it depends on Arianna, you know her best chick :hug:
personally I'd wait and see if she gets it again. If she has only had it twice she might just be unlucky but a third time probably indicates that she has a weakness there. Tonsils have a purpose and that is to be the first line of defence between your body and bacteria. But if they repetitively get infected and cause pain, its better to get it done earlier rather than later.

Tia had her grommets fitted at 2.5 years old. And she had many many many ear infections (usually around 2 or 3 a month) before the NHS finally said they would do something, and even then she would have been on a waiting list for 2 years. So as my dad had private health insurance through his work at the time we got her op done privately through them and only had to wait 8 weeks. We still had to go through the private consultants and their tests though before they would approve it, so even if you can get Arianna done through the private insurance, they might not agree to it so soon.

Operations all carry risks that are much worse than having regular sore throats... so I'd personally want to be sure its definitely a regular occurence before hand. But as Beanie said... you know your little girl better than anyone and know whats best for her :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Personally i would wait to see if she had it a 3rd time but if so definatily get them out. I had them out when i was 16 and was climbing the walls for about 2 weeks after as i was in so much pain! I was told repeatively before i had it done that i will see younger children running around like normal after but it would be different for e and boy where they right!!!

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