What was the first solid food your lo ate?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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And what was their reaction?


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Does baby rice count? Lol

Well yeah it was baby rice, and she wouldn't even swallow the first spoonful!

The second thing was vegetable medley from a jar and this was her reaction;


Lol x
Garlic bread!! She stole it - and then screamed bloody murder when we tried to take it off her!!! Lol

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Aghhhhhh sorry I misread the question! Sorry Hun! *goes and sits back in the corner* x
Lol Lou don't be silly. Has Harlow had any solids yet? Am gonna try Brody Friday I think. X

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Garlic bread!! She stole it - and then screamed bloody murder when we tried to take it off her!!! Lol

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(

Good taste! X

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The only thing she has had is a bit of a bickiepeg, she didn't really eat it, just kinda gnawed it and threw it on the floor lol x
I've tried quite a few finger foods with Phoebe now and she loves it, much prefers to feed herself.
She's had Brocolli, Carrot, Green Beans, Toast (firm favourite), Cheese loads of other fruit and vegetables too. Veggies are always a good place to start I think cos they're much softer. The Organix finger foods are good too but I think they're recommended for 7 months plus x

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Baby rice, he screamed like a banshee, hated it! Next day I tried him with Ella's kitchen strawberry and apple, loved it!
Thanks ladies.

PP what was Tyler's favourite?

Rach I can't wait to try toast! Think I'll wait til Friday even though am sure a few days wouldn't make a difference!

I gave him a bit of pear earlier that he sucked but it was too slippery!

Do you use normal cheddar?


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Lol ISH Ella's kitchen are yummy! X

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Broccoli!! He gets annoyed if the tree bits are gone. He also loves tomatoes, carrots (always find them in his poo!) and mango.

Yesterday he had sirloin streak ;)



Cool thank you. Will try broccoli soon

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Pinky I've not tried tomato yet did you remove the seeds and the skin? Or is the skin good for them to hold?
Toast with butter. He used to share mine after his porridge in the morning. Now he has his own slice! :)
Thanks Claire. Hope preg no 2 is going well :) xxxx

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A baby rice cake tonight while me and hubby were having dinner. She loved it and gummed half of it and we found the rest in her highchair!

This is on top if purée pear and milk.

This is from the baby that barely takes 4 ozs a bottle!

On tapatalk so can't see tickers :-(
Excuse the typos, phone has mind of its own.

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