What to wear for a wedding..?

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Just when I was thinking that I could get away with slouchy style maternity clothes I now have to think about an outfit for a wedding in June.. I will be almost 31 weeks at the time..... yikes.... I will be so HUGE by then!!

Any ideas where I can get a nice, relatively inexpensive [as I will only wear it for the one day!] and comfy outfit.. dress or skirt and top etc... ??

I have checked Next online and directory and nothing screams out at me...

Thanks everso xxx
I was just about to post the same thing Anna Marie!! :shock:

I've got a wedding on 27th May when I'll be 25 weeks. I was hoping for a nice floaty style top (bearing in mind that I should hopefully have a nice tan), and either skirt or light trousers. I'm not really a dress person. :?

I've also searched everywhere with no joy. I have found a possible top on ebay, but there is still 3 days left on it, and knowing you are the same size as me, I'm not even going to show you it!!!!! :shakehead: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Tankett don't worry.... I am probably at least a 14 by now.. if not I will be by June at this rate!!! If my boobs get any bigger I will just buy a tent [can you get pink or pale blue ones?!]

Just had a look.. www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk.. they are quite good.. a few options on there some nice tops .. www.bumpsmaternity.com also had a few nice tops and www.bloomingmarvellous.co.uk had a gorgeous kimono type top but in pink... and I want something blue if possible... will keep looking...

i'm off to a wedding mid june... i'll be 34 weeks... i've been dying to get invited to a wedding day and nite for years... the last one was 10 yrs ago.... the minute i get pregnant i'm invited to a huge one!!! day and nite....

I've already bought my dress... it's crouchet (is that the right spelling?) knitted.... it's oranges and browns... nice warm sunny colours... its quite stretchy but best of all it's striped (going down) makes me look longer and thinner (thinner than a bus anyway) it's quite clingy.. didn't think i'd ever wear a clingy dress whilst pregnant but it is quite slimming.. has a seam under my chest which gives the appearance of a waist.... it's mid calf length with 3/4 length sleeves and a nice low cut neck line (not too low) need to get some good knickers!!!!

Thinking of getting some wodden jewellry and a nice wooden wedge... i'm sorted... I got it in the sale at Karen millen...

Have you tried isabella some thing or other??? it's quite expensive but they do some nice otfits...

Oooh Hayley your dress sounds lovely!! I expect you will look fab in it as you are slim anyway!! I love the wooden jewellry thats in.. I have 5 or 6 real wood bangles my FIL is a wood turner so he made them for me!! So then I searched for a wooden beaded necklace to match and found one at M&S ages ago.. try next or H&M I think I saw they had some wooden effect types...

To be honest I need to stick to something non-clingy cos I am sure I will be huge all over by then.. and it is a family wedding so I won't be expected to be the most glamorous person there - just comfy!! They all know what a year I have had and would be happy to see me in my berkenstocks if it meant I could be there with them... I just wanted to wear something different..

Isabella Oliver.. oooh yeah but very expensive and most of her things are very clingy.. my sis bought me a wrap top from there and its divine but shows every bump and lump!!!! I only wear it when I am feeling super confident [not very often!!] :roll:

Will probably wait til nearer the time to go shopping and try some stuff so I know what size I am and what things actually look like then..
I had 3 weddings last year and managed to get away with the same outfit at all 3 as no-one [except OH!] was at all events... I was even a bridesmaid for my sister and that dress was actually made a bit big cos I was preg when they fitted it.. sadly when I actually wore it on her big day it was rather loose again :(

My OH keeps joking about getting me down the aisle quickly before August... not sure I want to be waddling down the aisle.. and not being able to drink at my own wedding would be catastrophic!!!!

Ooo, Anna Marie, I love that Kimono top! I'll show you my ebay one I'm watching now you've said you want blue!!


Hayley, your dress sounds georgeous! As I've said before though, I'm not really a dress person. It was hard enough for DH to get me in one on our own wedding day!! :shock: :lol:

Anna Marie- I also totally agree with you about having your wedding before baby is born. To not be able to toast your own wedding with a glass or three of bubbly would be a nightmare!! :shock:
Tankett that ebay top is fab... will look lovely!!

something like that would be perfect but has to allow for my ever expanding waistline and boobs!!
Have you girls had a look in Marks & Spencer - they now do a limited range of maternity clothes

I had this prob back in Feb. Couldn't find anything I liked that didn't cost the earth.

I ended up getting a dress from Next which had no hanger appeal at all but I bought a lovely shrug cardigan to go with it and just dressed it up with a gorgeous necklace, shoes and a bag.

The dress was so comfortable as it just skimmed over the bump and was nice and floaty.

I've had invites to lots of wedding do's so far this year and this outfit has worked every time (different people thankfully). I have another one in June.

I'll either wear the same dress or I'm just going to go casual as it's only an evening invitation.

My advice is, even if it doesn't look so good on the hanger try it on anyway and accessorise to liven things up - most of all choose something comfortable.
Hmm, I never even thought of M & S! Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out.

Bagpuss, thats a really good tip about trying things on. The most comfortable pair of trousers I have are the roll-over top type from Next. They look awful on the hanger, but they were recommended to me so I tried them on and they look fab!
im going to a wedding to!!!! i have spent so long looking in high street shops but nothing seems right or really expensive!! e bay is the only place to look!!! i have bought three different dresses and a hat on e bay and all are fab and none of them were expensive. this is definately the place to shop!!! I do not mind that im pregnant for a wedding as i will not have to woory about my belly sticking out or looking fat!! And as im the only one not drinking im driving the wedding car! What fun :D

sarah x
Hey guys,

I'm going to a wedding too! I really like this top from Fun Mum:


You should check out their range, they do some really nice things. Also try Dorothy Perkins, i got the most comfy cream linen trousers from there, which can be dressed up or down.

Claire xx
i really like that top!!!! fun mum stuff looks great im now going to look there for some cool stuff to buy!
sarah x
millets sell good strong tents and you can choose the colour too :dance:
Wow that Funmum is great. I love the red dress but the wedding I'm going to the bride is wearing red :(
fun mums looks good... might have to have a good look in there later!

i've heard marks and spencers have started doing a maternity range but only a few of their stores are selling it...

i decided to wear my new dress fri nite for my aunties 50th... the restaurant we went to had old wooden funiture...my seat had a splinter in the back rest!!! i ended up with about 8 large pulls across my back - the whole dress is ruined!!! spoke to the manager who said give us a call and we'll sort something out! i hope they give me the whole cost of the dress back! £90 not cheap.... i was so annoyed because i felt really nice wearing it.. and a few people passing commented how nice i looked.. made me feel like a woman again... i hope the shop has another...

Tried a million and one dresses on to see if i could find an alternative!!! aaahhh how annoying... it they where flard they hung off my bump making me look the size of a bus (double decker) if they where clingy - they where too clingy making me look like an extra from footballers wifes... (tacky) i tried lots of sz 14s but they just don't fit right... there was space for my bump but then they'd ride up at the front, or gather tight around my back... it's going to have to be a maternity buy!!!!

if anyone else has any luck let me know...

oh tanket - your top on ebay is lovely... did you win the bid? could be worn with jeans for a more casual nite out or dressy pants for a special occasion... theres quite a few tops in the shops at the moment - similar style!!! might take a look at them myself...


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