What time does your LO go to sleep????


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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I'm wondering this as at the mo Keeley is being a nightmare to put to sleep.... :x

She used to be such a good sleeper now with her teeth comin thru she's not.

Up until very recently she used to go to bed at 8pm wake up about 3am and come into my bed but as of last thursday when she crawled off my bed i don't want her in my bed anymore :?

But now she's got all clingy to even during the day i'm never away from her so it not like she craves my attention...

These last few days have been horrible i have to cuddle her to sleep and if she's not quite asleep she screams....then when she wakes up during the night she expects to come in my bed so last night i took my duvet in her room and we slept on the floor but i woke up at 2am to her crawlin about :lol:

I dunno what to do... i know she's not waking for hunger(sp)
Have i left it too late now for a routine?
Leah goes to bed at 7 -7.30 depending on how she is. She sleeps till 7.30am.
I don't think it is ever too late for a routine you just have to be consistant and persevere even after a week! You might need to be in her room with her with your hand on her tummy (em does that) to reassure her your there, she will soon get out the habit of coming into your bed.

Teej goes up at 7. Sometimes he takes 20 mins to have his milk and go to his cot and other times he has a longer drink.
Its not too late for a routine but like the last post said consistency is the key to it working.

We do bath (every second night) milk, a story then up to bed. This goes for the two of them.
They get the same story for the both of them :rotfl:
Aimee goes bed at 7pm and she has done since she was about 6 months old. Sometimes she want to go up at 6.30 though :roll: Nathan goes up anywhere between 8.30 and 10.30, depends on when he has his last nap as he isn't in a routine for them yet.
hiya :wave:
Louie goes to bed between 8/9 pm which i know is quite late really, but i can't get him down any earler as he'll wake in the night if he goes earlier.

no its definetley never too late to start a routine, Louie constantly changes his own routine anyway ie 5 bottles a day then only 4 a day etc, always sleeps at different times of the day & stuff, so no you can sort Keeley out :wink:
bless her, shes being a little pickle then :D
Louie is VERY clingy this week & sort of throws himself onto my chest to get close to me, its wierd & sort of like hes a bit scared at noises & tries to hide on me :think:
good luck.xxx
Sophie used to go to bed between 8 & 9 but lately she's been going later as she's sleeping more through the day, i just hope she's not turning her days into nights!
Elise goes between 7-8 usualy about 8 though
its not 2 late 4 a routine, i dont think its ever 2 late really
good luck
x sophie x
Jake usually goes to bed in between 6.30pm and 8pm. He usually sleeps through until the morning but lately he has been waking once in the night. I think he might be waking because of his two front bottom teeth coming through. I sometimes get away with putting some teething gel on and he goes back to sleep but other times he wants a feed. When Jake wakes up in the morning usually about 6am he comes in bed with us(sometimes after a feed but sometimes not) and goes back to sleep until we get up about an hour or two later.
I agree with the others hun, it's never to late to change a routine.

I think babies go through the seperation anxiety at this age.

Gabriella goes to bed about 7pm and sleeps through until 7am but recently she has been moaning in her sleep (not waking up but waking me up :roll: ) I think it might be her teeth.

Good luck and I hope you get some rest :hug:
Hiya.. i think Keeley mite have been readin the forum she slept from 8.30 til 7am :cheer:

She was still a nightmare to put to sleep but once she was asleep she was fine :D

Thanks for all your advice i'm gonna try a routine
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Well thats fantastic, well done Keeley :clap:

Rowan goes to bed at 6.30 and to be honest he's hanging by that point. He refuses to sleep more than 30 mins in the day and is up at 5-6am. I'd love him to sleep a little longer in the day and go to bed at 7.30 particularly as I'm back in work in 4 weeks and I'm very much afraid I wont be able to have quality time with him in the evenings :(

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