What these names have in common

Sabina Lily

Jan 20, 2012
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I like this names:

Sabina, Lily, Marina, Cecily, Louise, Prue, Zora (Dawn), Eve, Ava, Charlotte, Lote, Magdalena, Dora, Anna, Beatrice, Lissy, Avalon, Marie, Iseult, Niniva, Nimue, Leta, Leda, Lorelai, Cersei, Maja (pronauced Maya), Zlata (female given name meaning golden, in 'goldn' form), Daenerys, Emily, Arabella...

But I don't know what they have in common?

What you ladies think about these names? Which names do you like? Do you think any of these names are would-be-problem for a child?

What combination of names would you suggest for a child? (Two names and surname Anichich/Anicic)
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I like:
Lily Charlotte
Beatrice Anna (Bea for short :D)
Maja Lily
Cecily Louise (But she might get called Sissy for short)
Niniva Lissy
Nimue Ava

I wouldn't worry about spelling and pronunciation as we just correct people with ours lol Mhairi is pronounced Vah-ree, bless her, xx lovely names by the way, Niniva and Nimue are my favourite :)
what origin is mhairi? and how do you pronounce the other two names. I like the idea of them x
what origin is mhairi? and how do you pronounce the other two names. I like the idea of them x

Jumping on this thread but mhairi is quite a popular name in Scotland and I've heard it pronounced most commonly as 'Marry' but also as 'Varry'
Yeh it's basically the Gaelic version of Mary I think, means longed for child apparently :) which we thought was nice
I love Marina , as that was my babys name until she was a boy! It was going to be Marina Penny!

I also like Avalon from your list
I think the link is that most of them are mythical names from history books or TV shows (Merlin & Game of Thrones), I recognise a fair few of them :) and I like a lot of them :)

I especialy like Daenarys

I like Sabina Marie. Goes well with Anicic :) Maria (instead of Marie) Arabella is also lovely.
avalon reminds me of 'savalon'! sorry i love charlotte and ava! x

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