What really annoys me is.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2007
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I have just found out that an old friend, who is now a heroin addict and has been for almost 15 years has just given birth to her second child. How is this fair that people who have been trying to hard for a much loved and wanted baby find it so difficult to concieve and then some people can just get pregnant whilst abusing their bodies in the most awful way!

Sorry I know Im ranting, but its really hard when you want something so much. I never drink or smoke, I watch what I eat all on the hope that I will make my body the best temple possible for a little one to grow in! Its just not fair is it!??
:hug: :hug: I know how you feel hun. Im sure everyone in TTC has felt like this towards some one at some point. :hug: :hug: Here anytime you need to rant hun. Its awful but you will be pregnant one day :hug:
:hug: :hug:

I feel exactly the same way hun. It's so unfair when I see people who are letting their kids grow up like scum bags and not looking after them at all when there's people like me and others on here who would give anything in the world for a baby. It makes me mad!

i just try to keep reminding myself that our time will come......eventually

:hug: :hug:
Loola said:
I have just found out that an old friend, who is now a heroin addict and has been for almost 15 years has just given birth to her second child. How is this fair that people who have been trying to hard for a much loved and wanted baby find it so difficult to concieve and then some people can just get pregnant whilst abusing their bodies in the most awful way!

Sorry I know Im ranting, but its really hard when you want something so much. I never drink or smoke, I watch what I eat all on the hope that I will make my body the best temple possible for a little one to grow in! Its just not fair is it!??

My sister can not have children, she had tried for 8 years and had 2 failed ivf attempts. She now has 3 gorgeous adopted girls, all full siblings. They're mother and father were heroin addicts and although it annoys her, she wouldn't have had her 3 beautiful daughters otherwise. I couldn't imagine life without my 3 nieces and neither could our whole family. However, my youngest niece was born a heroin addict and still has alot of behavioural problems even now due to the chemicals she was exposed to in the womb (shes getting better though). So although these addicts etc seem to get pregnant easily they do pass on the effects of their addiction to their children, so carry on treating your body as a temple because your unborn will benefit.

Sorry for the long post!!

I know - I just figure there's a reason for everything.

But on days like yesterday when I find out that yet another of my students is pregnant I feel like smacking my head against a wall
I know exactly what you mean hun especially after what happened AND especially when I think of those who lose far into pregnancy and those that cant have kids or have alot of problems...

My therapist kind of put this into perspecitive for me and made me realise I care NOTHING for them, their not my kids and they will never have the life my future kids will have.

It is terribly unfair but to resolve those feelings you have to concentrate on you otherwise you will go out of your mind, i hope that helps in some way

this subject really does my head in i think they should give people like that the implant even if they didnt want it i have known people to have there kids taken off them and it really gets to me cause there are so many people out there that want kids and could take care of them
Im so glad you all feel the same way! I was starting to think that I was being a really jealous, silly cow for a moment.

I later discovered that my old 'friends' new baby boy was born a month prematurely and cold turkey. I feel so sad that he has been born into that life. Poor little thing. I so hope she sorts herself out and looks after him properly, though she already has an 8yr old daughter, and she hasnt changed her ways for her sake. Poor kids, there is someone out there who would take care of them so much better.

Good luck to everyone and their BFP's this month, you all deserve it! :D
I know how you feel but slightly different, I've been trying to concieve for a few months now and last month I found out that a close friend of mine fell pregnant while on the pill and she didnt want the baby so had a termination, it hurt like crazy inside but as she's a close friend I still had to accept her decision and support her. It sucks
I have 2 (ex friends) who both got pregnant so they didn't have to work and claim benefits. they both have kids who they don't do anything with, like little things such has a walk to the park or feed the ducks etc. It gets me so mad and one has just given birth to her second!

I had my son at 17years old and still managed to be a great mummy to him and a single parent at that, it gets me so mad.
Infact i could put Jeremy Kyle out of a job at these people who have kids as a excuse to not work! i'm angry now my hands are shaking.....lol

We should have a " RANT" section on this board, i would love it....lol
I didn't have kids to claim benefits thats for sure because i've been on benefits in the past and it sucks. I would not want to have kids and be on benefits for sure. I don't however work as it seems ridiculous as it seems you're woking to pay for childcare, I think working is a good option if you've got friends and family that can help with childcare but otherwise it seems impossible unless of course i'm doing something wrong!!!!! My husband however does work full time and he rarely gets to spend much time with his daughter but we would rather that than drag her up on benefits.
My Step-Daughters mother & her partner are on smack, crack & whatever they can get their hands on and have had 2 kids in the last 2 1/2 yrs. Both kids were born addicted :( .
The social services are aware of the situation but have done nothing :x
Oh thats terrible, why don't the social services do something?
I'm planning on starting uni after ive finished my college course to become a child protection social worker, and i'm sure i'll not be able to keep my mouth shut when it comes to cases like that, i think theres to much red tape to see when children really don't need to be with their parents. xxx

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