What I came home to

Fingers crossed

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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I came in through the front door into our porch and thought 'eh up, it smell like farts in here', then I opened the door to the front room and the smell was a bit worse, my dog wa stood there looking at me but when I mentioned the smell to her she cowered into her bed. Our front room is quite dark even in the day so I had to tread carefully, went into the kitchen and still no sign of what the smell was coming from. I used my nose to sniff it out, my nose lead me up the stairs. The door to the spare room was open, the smell was getting worse, I had to cover my nose and mouth with my hand, looked in the spare room and there it was. A HUGE steaming turd :puke: . OMG i've never seen a pile so big from a dog. There was a smaller liquid patch in another place on the floor/over some electrical wires/over the modem. I had to clean it up retching, and was very close to throwing up a couple of times.

Poor dog looks so guilty, lol, she must have been desperate to go in the house. I think she must have caught something from her swim in the river yesterday.

I was hoping to come home and play World of Warcraft for an hour before tea :x
aww hun, i can sympathise with you, my dog is 13 now and every morning i wake up to pooh or wee.. have to tread carefully as well :oops:

i hate cleaning it up and really dont know what im gonna do when the new baby comes.. sometimes max just stands and pees for the fun of it whilst we are all in the room as well, so half the time i no its down to laziness, and the other half i know its cos he cant wait no longer, but it does get on my nerves

hope yours hasnt picked a nasty infection up, mind you they seem to shake them off quicker than adults they say..

Hope you dont have to clean any more turds up soon..

have a :hug:
Sounds terrible :puke: !!

More importantly...you mentioned WoW!!! You are brave to mention that, I always keep it a secret :rotfl:

What race/class/level are you?

(I am lvl 63 Tauren Hunter :oops: ) Really sad...my hubby, sister, brother in law, sister in law, her partner, and about 10 of our close friends all play...they are all lvl 70 because they are much more dedicated than I)
aw hun its horrid isnt it. sasha has started doing it recently because its been raining outside. i could kill her when she does it lol

i hate it when lady (our cat) forgets to turn around in her covered litter tray! :x
Happybunny said:
Sounds terrible :puke: !!

More importantly...you mentioned WoW!!! You are brave to mention that, I always keep it a secret :rotfl:

What race/class/level are you?

(I am lvl 63 Tauren Hunter :oops: ) Really sad...my hubby, sister, brother in law, sister in law, her partner, and about 10 of our close friends all play...they are all lvl 70 because they are much more dedicated than I)

OOOO another WoWy :D . I've got so many characters. A 60 human pally (not played since getting to 60 18 months ago) a 52 Tauren druid, a 20 Blood elf hunter, an 18 Draenai (sp) shamen an 8 blood elf rogue. We got the game when it first came out 2 years ago but closed the accounts (me and OH has one each and go around together :D ) down last summer and has just got Burning Crusade about 2 weeks ago. It's such a brill game and I'm nat ashamed to say it :lol: 8) . What server are you on? We're on Thunderhorn.

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