What food do you CRAVE....?!?!?!!


Oct 15, 2008
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I thought this food thing is only suppose to hit you much later on in the pregnancy...?? But already I'm getting the incredible urge to eat odd stuff!!

- anything fatty and deep fried!!! For the last few days its this sudden, incredible, unstoppable urge for deep fried oysters, tempura, calamari, soft shelled crab (I know I know, should avoid shell fish especially raw bits -- but this is NOT logic speaking here :wall: !!!)

- anything SOUR - mango chutney is GORgeous spooned out straight from the jar!!! Also tomato soup, the sourer the better :doh:

These things have NEVER EVER tasted so good!!!!!

I was practically licking my plate in the restaurant today and the waitresses were looking at me weirdly as I wolfed all the fat down, with my eyes shut, going "hmmm, Mmmmmmmmmm!!!" to myself.... I mean, EVERYTHING just tastes like they've never tasted before!

Anybody else going through what I'm going through???

Anyone got any other food urges during the first trimester?
LEMONS,lemon juice,lemon icecubes any thing fizzy or sour i LOVEE strange i no haha
I havent craved anything yet...but have only been fancying certain foods, mostly crisps, crisps and crisps, pasta, marmite on toast, ice lollies, they all seem to help my nausea!

In my last pregnancy I craved pasties, tuna salads, peanut butter, I hope to crave some healthier things this time :rotfl:
garlic, cheese spread, water ummmm there was loads but atm its just garlic and cheese spread :lol:
Oh just you wait - I crave crushed ice, and "bath sponges".......... :rotfl:

I hasten to add I dont eat the sponges but chew them, and cant get enough of the texture and smell.
i used to have a friend who craved talcum powder :shock: she couldn't get enough of it
I'm starting on the stodge, but it may be the cold weather.

Potatoes, pies, pasties, pastry pastry PASTRY!!! All the p's :rotfl:
atm im craving ice big time i think lots of women do and as my OH says it's only water lol
I'm craving Ice too, and sponges. Unfortunately not the cake variety but those ones wth a scourer on top that you wash dishes with!!! I can't get enough of the smell of them and yes I have to admit I sometimes have a lil nibble at the corner !!! :lol: :lol:
I'm craving salty food at the moment. Completely gone off tea, and struggle to drink water.
I cant face eating a cooked meal anymore but will eat junk food all day. I have gone crazy on Cadbury Whisper all a sudden which i detested when it was out in the 80's hehe
spag hoop's on toast, but no crusts!! they make me gag! All I can drink is diet coke, I know you shouldn't. I ran out 2 days ago and thought if I didn't have any in the house I would drink water or squash...NO. I just couldn't drink anything, so went and bought some more. My theroy is dehydration has got to be worse than caffine??
My SIL craved petrol!! she used to keep a can out in her garage and she used to go and sniff it!! and car tyres!
I crave sugar... sweets, SOUR STUFF god anything sour, i love lemons!! YUMMY!! Pickled onions aswel!! We had a DVD night at my mates the other day and no word of a lie i sat there and ate 1/2 jar and was also drinking the juice, weird i know!! lol

I used to be such a savory person!! I totally gone off meat. Apart from fish!

And dispite everyone telling me I was having a boy cause of my cravings and way im carrying (all front) Im having a little girl lol xxx
Think I'[m quite normal copared to you lot!!! Joking guess i'm just boring. all i seem to be craving is fishfinger sandwiches, chocs spread,banana and/or peanut butter on toast, ham and cheese with or without bread. going to have fishfinger and ketchup sarnie for my lunch before I toodle off to work!!! Yum!

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