What do you do?

Mervs Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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It's a rare day that my LO refuses her breakfast.....or any foods TBH......but sometimes she point blank refuses to eat - usually if she's under the weather.

She's got a cold ATM and today no amount of syrup on her porridge and jam on her toast will get her interested.

So do you just sack it off or keep going through the cupboards and fridge till you find something?
if all else fails, i turn to yoghurt and toast! when katie's proper got one on her, they're the only things she'll eat! if she wants neither of them i just leave it, i mean, lets face it hun, its not like our two are exactly wasting away :lol:
I dont think they'll drop below the 95% centile any time soon eh?! :lol:
i sack it and try again later. if theyre hungry enough theyll eat (that sounds so cruel LOL)

when rhys was younger i used to try different things to get him to eat, now when we sit at the table for dinner and its pasta.. he demands egg or cereal.. its been a nightmare to get him to understand that im not going to go through the cupboards until he makes up his mind to eat something.
I give in and leave it a few hrs unless they ask for something x
I usually give up and try again later or i'll leave some snacks/biscuits out for Niamh so she can help herself when she feels like it. As long as she's drinking plenty i'd try not to worry xx
If there's a good reason for Sam refusing food (if he's ill, teething etc.) I'll offer him a few different things just to try and get him to eat something. If not he'll always drink milk so I make sure he's at least getting some calories from that. If he's just being fussy and I know it's something he's eaten before and liked he gets no choice - either eat it or have nothing :lol:
my sis was wayy underweight when she was younger and they thought my ma wasnt feeding her and midwives got social in and the doctor said " if you dont want to eat, does someone force you?" . he backed her and said shell feed when shes hungry lol and she got hungry at 11 :D so yeah it SOUNDS cruel but theyll eat when theyre hungry and anyway they would soon get fly and know if they refuse meals mummy will eventually in desparation turn to some goodies! :D xx
i sack it and try lunch at 12 instead of one.
I just sack it too. He's old enough to come to me if he is hungry before the next mealtime. Hope she's a little better now x x
Jacob's only 9 months old but he refuses breakfast nearly every day. He just has a 8ox bottle at 7am then at about 10am he is ready for food. I just give him a little something to last him through till dinner time then he wolfs his dinner down xx
Jacob's only 9 months old but he refuses breakfast nearly every day. He just has a 8ox bottle at 7am then at about 10am he is ready for food. I just give him a little something to last him through till dinner time then he wolfs his dinner down xx

Howay man you just give him a sausage roll and some broon ale an he's away like ;)
Whey aye, he'll have a pasty dummy before you know it :rofl: xx
with maddi i don't push it and offer something again in a few hours :D hope hebe's ok sweetie xx

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