what do i do now??


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Hi all!

I think i've got my BFP!!!
I did a cheapie this morning and got a strong line, so went and got a first response...


I know I sound silly but what do i do now??
I never thought about what I would actually do if i got pg!!
Am I making any sense???
Smile til your cheeks hurt
Keep checking the test just to make sure the line is still there!
Relax (yeah right)
Dont eat anything you shouldnt (and Id advise against a drink to celebrate! :lol: )
I wouldnt bother with the Drs yet as most wont be interested this early on (spoilsports arent they) Id wait a while........if you can

Congrats again kmac Im really pleased for you x
I'll echo what choklatemunky said about the docs. Mine wasn't bothered when I went and basically said I would hear from my midwife at 10 weeks. But its up to you maybe your doc will be different.

Just enjoy this special time, it will probably take you some time to get your head around it. I was wandering about for days telling myself i was pregnant. :rotfl:
Congratulations!!! :cheer:
Try to relax and try to resist re-testing every day for the next 12 weeks! I spent a fortune on sticks as I just couldn't believe it!!
Make a doctors appointment for a few weeks time, then join us all in here for a good natter!
All the best,
Sarah x
Congratulations! :cheer: If you're anything like me you'll keep testing for the next week or so 'just to make sure' as well!

I went to my doc last week because I was there anyway & wanted to get it out of the way. They don't do much but I just enjoyed being able to say 'I'm pregnant' out loud to someone other than OH!

Get yourself a ticker & move on in here! :cheer:
Congrats :)

FWIW my medical leaflets from my health authority say there is no need to see your GP to confirm a pregnancy anymore and to just book in with your MW after 8 weeks. Contact your GP's surgery to see if there is a MW attached to it, if not ask them where you have to go (local hospital etc). They should be able to point you in the right direction.

Work out your LMP so you can figure out how far along you are. Enter your first day of your last period in the second bit to get it :)

http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/magazine/in ... pregnancy/

Then wait and book in with a MW any time after 8 weeks for booking in. Before then there really is nothing to be done pregnancy wise. Just a case of taking folic acid, eating well and going with the flow. Of course, any severe cramping with bleeding etc needs investigating but other than that, try to relax :)
Congratulations hun :D

I had to have mine confirmed by the GP as they referred me to the MW. I would give them a ring and ask what to do as it obviously differs in different areas.

Thanks girls!!
I used that nhs site - thanks Sherlock
It says my due date is 27th December!!!!!!!! :D
kmac said:
Thanks girls!!
I used that nhs site - thanks Sherlock
It says my due date is 27th December!!!!!!!! :D
funnily enough it's the same due date as me :lol:

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