What came first for you with lead up to labour signs?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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As the title says my ticka tock is ticking and at 38 weeks really im just curious to know whether to look out for a plug, to feel a contraction, feel water dribble down my legs lol I know everyone and everyones body and labour different but would love to know what came first that made you think whoaaa things are starting!? xxx
I was induced first time around. I Was sleeping & then a sudden gush of water & pains started straight away!

Second time around I had just got out the bath. Wasn't sure if I was leaking water or if it was just bath water coming back out (as it does :lol:) TMI! So I rang my MW to double check & let her know. She told me to met her in half hour at hospital . I sat in car & had the tiniest pains which were 2 minutes apart. Got out the car in hospital car park & 'gush' :lol:

Was already 9cm dilated! There was no obvious pain, plugs lost or anything that time!
I got period pain type pains which just got stronger and stronger and stronger.

MY waters never broke - the mw's had to do that in hospital. Don't think I ever saw the plug come away either. I never had any sign before hand that that was the day!!
I always get a lot of pressure and my back starts killing me and then my waters break followed by my plug coming away and then lots of contractions, been pretty much the same for all 3 so I'm guessing this one will be pretty much the same.
I had a plug then nothing for about a week until one night I woke up with a 'pop' so I stood up and had a comedy gush of water, 4 hours later my daughter was in my arms!
i just got contractions, never saw a plug and midwife broke my waters
first one id had a sweep so was uncomfortable, had my show and then contractions started but were all over the place,

my second i had twinges like period pain in the morning then it went away till tea time and i had stronger twinges not to painful went to hospital was 8cm then water broke and an hour later dd came out x x

im hoping this time is the same as dd x x x x
wow its true how everyones labour is completely different! i wish there was a step by step guide as to what happens and when. I am so panicky! im scared wearing white trousers incase i have a bloody show! im scared when i go to the loo incase ive left some plug in there and im scared to go shopping incase im pushing a trolley and gush waters in the frozen food isle! I feel so on edge and wish i wasnt :(xxx
Think we all get a bit edgy the last couple of weeks with the 'what happens if thing' so don't worry too much. most women actually go into labour at night time or get their first signs on waking as your so relaxed when your asleep or chilling in front of tv so your body tends to get on with it then.
Thanks Sarah That honestly reassured me.....but now im thinking bet i will be too scared to sleep tonight now lmao! xxx
Lol! Least you will be at home and not in tesco if your in bed!
wow its true how everyones labour is completely different! i wish there was a step by step guide as to what happens and when. I am so panicky! im scared wearing white trousers incase i have a bloody show! im scared when i go to the loo incase ive left some plug in there and im scared to go shopping incase im pushing a trolley and gush waters in the frozen food isle! I feel so on edge and wish i wasnt :(xxx

I know how you feel I'm stressing I wont know when I'm in labour I just hope something obvious happens lol I don't even mind being out shoppin when it happens just as long as I realise what's happening! My step sister didn't know she was in labour & drove herself the hospital coz she thought she had a water infection with pains in her back when she got there they told her she was in labour couple hours later my nephew was born!!!
My cousin didn't know it was happening either - she just had back pain for a couple of days. When she had a mw appointment she found out she was already half way through the first stage of labour!
I had slight period type pains but then shivers all over...then massive contractions, but they were irregular, it turned out that my little one was back to back so they had to break my waters and do c section as he wasnt down enough x
My waters went first, at midday i felt a tickle and thought nothing of it and then my waters popped a few hours later x x

was induced with my first so was unsure what to expect with my second worried that i wouldnt know when i was in labour !! had a show nearly 3 weeks before i had him and was i slow labour on and off nothing painfull just regular tightenings with some period like pain. when it started for real knew the difference !! tightenings were stronger and pains got worse !! waters didnt break till i was at the hospital xxx
I was laid in bed reading and turned onto my side an heard a pop!Never thought anything of it, stood up and my waters had gone!I had to make a mad dash to the loo!My contractions didnt start until 4.30-5pm!My waters went at 10am!I never really had any signs on the lead up xxx

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