What am i entitled too?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
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I live with my OH and his parents, ive been on jobseekrs allowance about 6month and my OH has been on it about 1 month, he hates it and lived off nothing for ages because he didn't want to go but eventually we had too because my JSA alone wasnt enough.

Now i'm pregnant, what are we entitled too? We arent after a house or anything we are happy where we are leaving but i mean money wise, what help can we get? I read today that being pregnant can affect my benefits, im only on JSA and I do still want a job but maybe that will end up being once baby is born, all depends on if i can get employed now pregnant.

I think we are entitled to the grant for 500 pounds which is great, if we struggled to buy the pram and such then that will cover that but what about every week or month til i actually find a job? Is there any kind of income we will get?

Would appreciate any advice
You stay on jsa untill I think its 11 week before due date then apply for income support.

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As your still capable of working now

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you can cliam JSA up until you are nearly duem then you move to income support, your surestart grant £500 needs claiming from the jobcemtre and you need to be 27 weeks onwards to qualify and lots of stuff off your GP and MW to show the jobcentre.

If you go in and tell jobcentre they will sort you out :)
As the ladies said above, think you would only be entitled to JSA for the time being until you're 29 weeks pregnant.. After 29 weeks you're seen as unfit to work and it would switch over to income support..
And you will get the sure start £500 grant xx
As your still capable of working now

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yes i'm still looking and capable for work now, I don't want anything too strenuous where as before i wouldnt mind but yes im still capable to work

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