We're home!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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I'm finally a Mummy! Me and Summer came home today and I am so glad that is all over.
Thanks for all the well wishes and congratulations :hug:
It's so strange not being pregnant, I keep looking at my tummy and it's completley flat and I keep expecting to feel her moving around inside me but then I look next to me and she is there.
She is such a lovely baby and I know all mums say that but she really is a good baby, she's so affectionate and loves being cuddled lots!
The only thing is when she falls asleep and I sneak her in the cot as soon as she realises she will cry to be picked up. When I was in hospital at night I had to lay her on my chest because that was the only way she would happily go to sleep without crying which tired me out because I was to scared to fall asleep with her laying on me.
So far she has only cried twice during the night to be fed which is good but she just wont settle unless I'm holding her!
She's now gone out with my OH and his mum and I cried my eyes out when she left because it's the first time I've been without her for 9 months.
I'll post my birth story when I get the chance but right now I'm going to try and have a kip while she's out.
Congratulations and i hope you get some well earned sleep! Sleep well x x x
Aw congratulations Vickyleigh :D

Hope you're now having a well earned rest, Summer will be back for cuddles shortly :wink:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Make sure you have as much rest as you can! :D :hug:

Congratulations with the lovely daughter! :D
aww shes cute, yep get yr body back now :) :dance:
Aww big congrats :hug: glad your home and as a family now bet your well chuffed :cheer:
congratulations.......she is gorgeous
try swaddling her and lay her on her side propped with a rolled up towel or blanket each side( or on her back) thats what the midwives did when i had maisy.
she still sleeps on her side now

Congratulations, great to hear you're both home and well :hug:
Some babies like to be held and near Mummy, she is only tiny still so she'll feel safest with you, try not to be too concerned by it, as she gets older she'll feel more secure being away from you :hug:
Try and sleep when she sleeps, as she gets bigger she may sleep less so you need to conserve your energy, very best wishes, she's absolutely beautiful :hug:
:hug: Congratulations to you both! Summer looks utterly adorable xxx
Sorry for my late congrats but I haven't been around much this weekend!

Hope all is well and congratulations for doing a great job of bringing your angel into this world! Wishing you all the best xx

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