went to the hospital on monday


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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It wasnt nice and quite painfull, i have now found out i have endo and also IBS :x so im going to be on two sets os tablets, he was going to give me the pill to help with the endo but since were ttc i cant lol and he says being pg will help alot, still gotta go for my scan next week to check for abnormalities but at least i know what im up against now, thanks for listening to me girls :hug:
Glad you have some answers honey, makes it easier knowing what you are dealing with doesnt it. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
we will always listen to you hun no need to thank us, just as long as all is ok, at least like you say you know what is going on and i wish you all the best, hope things go ok as they can do for you hun

hugs :hug: :hug:
ive had IBS since i was 16 mel so nearly 10 years , it will take a time but i will learn what sets it off and what doesnt etc also what calms its. its alot of trying and learn by your mistakes ,

had he told you to start cutting things out to see what sets it off ? i had to do all sort of diets , inc a month wheat free ( do i feel sorry for wheat intollerance cos that was a nightmere! ) and then diary etc etc

which pills he put u on ? i miss my original ones , they could stop an atack in about 30 mins but i got used to them and they didnt work no more :cry:
no he didnt gem just gave me the tablets prescription and let me go grr, said it was mainly down to stress :think:
yeh it is down to stress , i got it after having glandulafever and being off work for 3 months . let me know what pills his given u , ive had a few different ones now !
the tablets are called mebverine, are they any good? :think:

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