Went out to my works doo last night FOR FREE :-)


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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OK my work mates have asked me along to the works do and this is so sweet of them as they all know im moving away and not returning after maternity
Im in 2 minds to go money yes ive saved some up from babysitting but feel guilty about using it on myself :oops:

ok should i go??? this will be the last chance to have a night out as when we move to Basingstoke i'll not know anyone??
It will sort of a leaving do (though not planned as this) for me get to see the girls one last time. have a nice chat maybe go on to a pub and depending on how everyone feels i may just get to go clubbing for a few dances :cheer:

or should i stay in and use the money on things for the new house save for a rainy day or use it on Collier for xmas as we have not bought him presents.
And maternity ends in Feb i'll be earning no money of my own so i should hold on to as much of my money now to help me out later???
Also James is in a right mood today hes really stressing it all the hassle of sorting out our mortgage and its getting to him.
If feel i should stay in and be with my family hes sacrificing a night out of his own in a few weeks time so i can babysit so i feel bad for going out when he cant :oops:

I really am in 2 minds about it id like to go out but i feel as a Mam i should be more responsible and use the money wisely not waste it on one meal and a couple of drinks

help :pray:
Get yourself out and enjoy yourself! As you say, it might be the last time you get to go out for a while! :D
Go out!!!! And do not feel guilty...you deserve it!!!!!xxx
GO GO GO!! everyone deserves a break and a night off hun, treat yourself and go have fun! you've only been out a few times since you had Collier, your a fantastic mummy and you deserve to treat yourself and have a night off :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Go out definately!! Have fun & have a drink(or 2!!) for me :D
Go out!!!!!

I know james is sacrificing a night out - but he has been away on biking trips and to a concert. It will do you the world of good to get out and let your hair day.

Enjoy..! :D
aaah go on. Go on, go on, go on :D

Everyone deserves a night out moi flowerrrr, especially us hard working mummies.

Have a lurvely time :cheer:
you should deffo go.everyone needs time out once in a while and it will do you good to have a girly night hun.go for it :cheer:
Who voted no? Sarah was that you...well your out voted love!!!
You should deffo go no question :)
Go for it hun, most definately ! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Treat yourself like you said last chance to go out with the gurlies before you move, one off opportunity, treat yourself ! :cheer: :cheer:
I was still in 2 minds for ages last night but one of my work mates told me that the Owmer of the Nurser was paying for out meals and the drinks :dance:

well that was me reaching for my dress and make up :wink: :cheer: :rotfl:

so a very cheap night as one of the lasses got her husband to pick us up so i got a lift home RESULT

Very glad i went out it was a lovely meal nice to catch up with the girls we stayed in the resturant talking then went onto a pub for one drink before all going home
i was very boring again only a couple of drinks and back home by mid night
No dancing though :shakehead: :shakehead:

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Ooh things are better when they are free! lol glad you had a good night it sounds lovely :)
Never mind about the dancing..we WILL get round to a PF London night out and there WILL be lots of dancing :)

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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