Well this is it I think..


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2014
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Hi. I had very light cramps all Monday morning, thought it was baba settling in. Yesterday morning woke up and peed, wiped myself and bright red blood.

I'm only 6w3d so too early to see anything on scan etc.

All through day little bit of blood came out. Clear blood, by the time I went to bed, there wasn't much there when I wiped.

At 1am I had a lot of cramping in my belly and my lower back. More bleeding. With some stringy clots. Not alot, but there.

Is this it? Baby is gone? I've had a mmc before (then D&C as was flying to my family in SA day after I found out), so haven't experienced the bleeding before.
Can I curl up and stay like that please?

why? I know its a stupid question, but just wish I Knew the answer. How long will I bleed for? Can I wear a tampon? Or best just to stick to pads? Anything else you can tell me that will help please? I called midwife yesterday and she said I should call her again on Friday and tell her how its going, then maybe we can arrange a scan for early next week. Don't think there is much point.

Thank you. xxx
Hi Melily.

I can't answer your questions, but didn't want you to think no-one was going to reply, so I just wanted to say how truly sorry I am for what you are going through as it is truly heartbreaking. Curl up and stay like that as long as you need and just know we are all here for you to help you through this anyway we can (whether to have someone to rant to about how unfair this is or just as a shoulder to cry on).


If you def are 6+ I would ring the epu at hospital and ask for a scan as you started bleeding. Normally they should see something already at 6 weeks. I went when I started bleeding at early pregnancy and they saw baby plus heartbeat dating me to 6+2.
I actually went to a&e and they reffered me straight over.
However I mc a week later ... but bleeding is not always a sign of a mc. Don't want to bring your hopes up too much but guve epu a call and see if they can see you now or tomorrow.
Fx for a happy ending. Big hugs :hug:
I'm so sorry Melily :-( Get yourself plenty of rest. And yes, do curl up on your bed and have a good cry - it won't make anything better but if nothing else it lets out at least some of the grief.
Hi Melily24, so sorry that you are going through this, I have had 2 MMC's and had a D&C both times so I'm not sure how much bleeding you can expect with a natural miscarriage, I don't think I would use tampons. If possible I would ask for a scan. Lean on those around you, it's so tough when things go wrong, take time - it helps you to heal. xxx
Im sorry that you have had to go through this. I had a natural mc at 7 weeks and bled for a good few days. I did pass clots as well. I was told by the EPU not to use tampons so I would say no. Curl up as long as you need. Take time to yourself and spend some with your oh!
Hey mrs, I reiterate what vampsgirl said - call ur EPU and see if you can go in. Don't count yourself out yet til u know for sure xx
Hi melily. Sorry you're going through this. My epau won't accept direct referrals, has to be through go so that's another route you can try. Don't use tampons - it can lead to infection if it is a mc. I had a natural at 6 weeks - spotted for a few days, got cramps and then bled v heavily for a couple of days, but everyone is different.
Hope you are ok.
I think today is going to be a bad day emotions wise... I don't know if we have EPU here and don't have it in me to try and call someone and I get the usual rude person on the phone. Just going to hang in there until I can call my midwife again tomorrow. Thanks ladies. xxx
Oh honey. Don't even take it a day at a time at the moment - just take it hour by hour and if you need to cry or rant or whatever else do it. xx

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